By Haddon Libby
You are a potential future terrorist. While you may scoff at this allegation, that is the opinion of the executive and judicial branches of the U.S. Government for both the Obama and Bush Administrations. As such, they can spy on you.
To understand the claim, you first have to recognize that the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights prevents unreasonable searches and seizures of all Americans. It requires that law enforcement have probable cause before engaging in a personal or property search.
With that as the backdrop, how does the Government justify storing all of YOUR phone call records and electronic communications?
It is based on a 1979 ruling where the Supreme Court argued that the government could compile the phone numbers that you dial but not the content. All the Government needed was a subpoena to get this information – in this case from the phone company – as that information was in the hands of a third party. This same thought process is used as it relates to your emails. The Patriot Act in 2001 widened this to include virtually all phone, email and internet records.
Democratic senators Ron Wyden of Oregon and Mark Udall of Colorado have questioned misleading statements made by the Justice Department and Attorney General Eric Holder. Specifically, they are concerned by statements where the Justice Department says it is complying with the Patriot Act yet will not disclose secret legal opinions that allow for domestic espionage against all Americans for potential future use.
Whether you believe whistleblower Eric Snowden is a hero or a traitor, one should be concerned about our Government’s espionage on all of us.
Looking back eight years to 2005, NSA senior executive Thomas Drake recognized that his agency was violating the Fourth Amendment by engaging in felony espionage against Americans and brought up his concerns internally. No actions were taken to correct the alleged felony espionage. As such, Drake leaked his concerns to the press and came forward personally. Drake said of this to all future whistleblowers, “You need to be prepared for a life of loneliness.” Being a whistleblower destabilized his finances and caused him to lose many friends as the Government made his life “a nightmare.”
Another NSA employee, Russell Tice, leaked that the Government was actively engaged in illegal wiretaps against the likes of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and many others in 2004. Were they presumed terrorists or political rivals?
Tice who was never charged with any crimes, now works at an Apple store while getting his doctorate at John Hopkins University. Tice believes that Snowden fled the country having noticed how the Government ruined his life as well as Drake.
If you think that this type of excess is limited to Washington DC, think again.
One need look no further than this columnist and his questioning of the City of Indian Wells in 2011. For simply asking questions of the City Council that appeared to point out inappropriate and potentially illegal activities, the city interfered with my job which resulted in my firing. Subsequently, people took actions to keep my story out of the news, tarnish my good name and keep me out of jobs locally.
I bring all of this up as it is the general malaise by most Americans that allow those in power to behave badly and have the confidence that they can get away with it. By sitting silent, you are allowing your Constitutional Rights to be taken away and for the Government to classify you as a potential future terrorist – which sounds more like China or Russia and not the USA.