By Phil Lacombe
As an avid tattoo enthusiast I felt it was time to shed some light on some local talent.
Name: Tony Francois
Where you tat: The Tattoo Gallery (TG Tattoo)
68186 Ramon Rd
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Why you started tattooing: I started tattooing 10 years ago when I lost my job. It was something that I always had wanted to try, and thought that was the perfect time to do it.
What style of tattooing do you enjoy the most: My favorite styles of tattooing are exaggerated realism or a cartoonie new school. I prefer to do color tattoos but still enjoy doing black and grey.
Who inspires you to tattoo: Nowadays there are so many amazing tattoo artist out there compared to when I first started. Before I even started tattooing, when I was still living in Chicago I would from time to time see work by Cleen Rock One and was amazed by his color work. I always liked Aaron Bell’s work mainly because when I first started apprenticing his flash was the coolest and brightest stuff we had in the shop.
If you could tattoo anywhere in the world where would you go: Mexico City
Tell me your favorite tattoo story about one of your clients: A couple months ago 6 ladies came in to all get the same tattoo, an infinity sign with the number 19 in it. As I was tattooing on one of them I overheard the others talking about doing repairs on their houses and wondering why their husbands weren’t doing it. It came to my attention that these 6 ladies were the widows of 6 of the 19 firemen that died in Arizona. I felt honored that they came in here and had me do their tattoo.
Tg Tat 760-324-9tat