A local highlight for Halloween this year comes to us courtesy of PS Underground. For five nights, PS Underground founders, David Horgen and Michael Fietsam, combine theatre and food in a culinary theatre production called, “Bite: Embrace the Dark.” This ghoulish culinary theater production takes place on the eves of October 24, 25, 28, 29 and 31 and is by reservation only. At midnight the evening before your dinner, you will receive an email telling you where “Bite” is being held. The evening itself is a six course dinner “of gothic proportions” with free flowing blood…we mean wine. The details of the show cannot be shared with you however suffice it to say that this is only for those who are NOT easily frightened, squeamish or faint of heart. For more information, visit www.psunderground.com.
Once “Bite” has gone back underground, the duo from PS Underground embarks on a season-long culinary adventure entitled, “Light.” David and Michael have termed these dinners as “Culinary Raves for Adults.” Each dinner is a unique and one-of-a-kind experience that is part high-end dinner party, part performance art and part culinary theatre. As with all PS Underground dinners, you will reserve your event tickets online. The evening before your reservation, you receive an email with the location of the event as well as suggestions on how to dress. Once you arrive at the secret location, there is a reception where you get to know others with whom you will be dining followed by a dinner like no other with numerous twists and turns meant to awaken all of your senses.
You’ll find “Light” every Friday and Saturday night beginning on November 14th – Reserve your seats at www.LightPS.net.