By DeAnn Lubell
I think that Diane Morgan can paint just about anything in any medium from bees to vintage cars to strawberries to florals to fish – heck, she can even paint a McDonald’s Big Mac and fries that look good enough to eat. Her painted waterdrops on flowers are so realistic to the observer that for an instant they feel if they touch the droplet, it will leave their fingertips wet with actual moisture. Diane is also an extraordinary photographer. I especially like her close-up shots of bees doing what bees do best working in flowers. My grandfather was a beekeeper, so these really appeal to me personally.
Formally trained in oils with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Michigan, this multi-award-winning artist presents her works at several art shows a year. Coming up she will be featured at the Desert Art Center on 550 N. Palm Canyon in Palm Springs in February. Her art will be on display at the 2023 Artists Council Exhibition and Sale from February 16 – March 19 and the Coachella Valley Watercolor Society Annual Show February 9-12. Both shows are held at the Artists Center at the Galen at 72567 Hwy 111 in Palm Desert. Besides painting and attending shows, somehow Diane finds time to teach weekly classes at the Artists Center at the Galen, as well.
“I envision a painting in almost everything I see,” said Diane. “Adding drama and mystery through the use of powerful lighting effects, reflected surfaces, exaggerated contrasts and unusual compositions, I transform simple everyday life into un-ordinary, not-so-still life. I like to take an ordinary subject and enhance the perception of it, invite the viewer to take a closer look. If you look closer, you may discover something new about yourself. I love how the medium takes command. The artist starts the process, but the paint takes charge and leads the work to a sometimes-unintended outcome. It’s always exhilarating.”
To find out more about Diane Morgan please go to or email her at