Produced By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration

Even though Thanksgiving is still over a month away, the season of giving thanks is now firmly upon us, and we can feel the cheer in the air. It’s not just because our Coachella Valley weather is finally beginning to cool off. People of the Coachella Valley’s expressions are more vibrant, their steps contain extra bounces, and the speed at which they communicate indicates fervent excitement for what is to come.

Moms, wives, grandmothers, and daughters, are all busily beginning to plan dishes, spreads, and parties. Men are waking up in the middle of the night – dreaming of all Thanksgiving’s delicious offerings. Turkey, squash, potatoes, cranberries, green beans, pumpkin pie and more.

Thanksgiving is one of the most joyful times of the year. It is a time during which families and friends gather, and when groups and churches offer outreaches that involve free food, and warm meals. Thanksgiving is a time of year when watching televised events such as, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the NFL football games become the norm. People are still working, yes. But now there is more to do, more to see, more to experience. Thanksgiving has been officially recognized as the start of each year’s holiday season!


The true origins of Thanksgiving dates to before the colonial period. Although marred in controversy, Thanksgiving is a combination of both Native American harvest celebration festivities, and colonial. New England and Virginia colonists originally celebrated days of fasting, as well as days of thanksgiving – thanking God for blessings such harvests, ship landings, military victories, followed by feasting and celebrations.

Much like our ancestor’s ways of living, today we too must hunt as they did – if we are to find the very best and most nutritionally complete foods available on the grocery market. And the only foods that fit that category are truly organic.

If you purchase cheap gas for a car that runs on premium, you will inevitably incur negative, less-than economical results. However, if you put in the right gas for the right car, you will enjoy a pleasurable journey, and be in the best economical state you can be. The same can be said with food. Put the best into your body, get out the best from your body. Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market, family-owned and operated since 1972, understand this basic principle. That is why for over fifty years, Clark’s has fed Southern California with the purest organic produce and foods the grocery market can offer. Not only this, Clark’s has worked diligently with vendors throughout its years of service to ensure their prices don’t cost you a, “whole pay check”.

When you shop Clark’s, you can give thanks that you have found your way into the right hands when it comes to food and supplements. It’s a family business that cares, gives back to its community, and to your health.

Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market – LIVE YOUR BEST