Here are simple expert tips to get you back on Keto After a Break (or for the first time ever)

The holidays can be a tough time to maintain any type of diet plan, especially one like Keto that involves cutting carb-rich foods that we often associate with the Holiday season. But holiday breaks don’t have to be a permanent setback. They can end up being motivational as you rebound back stronger than ever and even more committed to the power of Keto as your lifestyle.

Instead of cutting out carbs totally again, I suggest you ease back into Keto after a break.  It’s the easiest and healthiest way to get back on the Keto horse.

Did You Take Off More Time Than You Originally Planned?

During the holidays, did you decide to take a short break from following your diet that lasted a little longer than you originally intended? You only meant to ease up for a couple of days, but then Aunt Mary offered you another piece of her famous pecan pie and the next thing you knew those few days became a few weeks, the holidays were over, and you’d gained more weight than you realized.

Does this sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Holiday weight gain is a challenge for most people. This is not a permanent setback. Honestly, you can get back into ketosis in no time.

  1. Let go of all or nothing

Mindset is a huge part of Keto or any diet or significant lifestyle change. Many people end up yo-yo dieting, binge eating and struggling with commitment due to an all-or-nothing attitude. Truly it all starts with a mindset. Getting the weight off will happen but it doesn’t stop there.  In my Transformation Program I focus on who you are as a WOMAN and that includes your health, confidence, emotional eating, mindset, femininity, finding your happy place and learning to maintain weight and have a positive relationship with food. I don’t suggest any diet until you work on your mindset first and continue it as you diet and integrate the changes.   Keto can become a lifestyle diet. It’s meant to be a change in your way of eating that you can stick with for life. This means that once you reach your goal weight you can build in times for treats, rewards, and fun time-outs like the holidays, vacations, etc. if your overall way of life is a healthy one.

  1. Have a game plan and hire a coach

You should have a game plan. Sarting the keto diet can be challenging because of so much confusing and conflicting information online. Common hurdles include the keto flu, changing your mindset around emotional eating, learning how to customize your Keto (there isn’t one size fits all) so it works for you. That’s where a personal Keto Coach becomes invaluable with personalized guidance, addressing your unique challenges, your lifestyle, mindset, activity level, food cravings and more to help you navigate the diet’s intricacies, so you get the absolute best results.

  1. Be reasonable. Set goals you can actually do.

Don’t set yourself up to fail.  Don’t set a goal to get back on track quickly and eat perfectly and lose an unrealistic amount of weight the first week.  Make your goals realistic. You will be more motivated if you set daily and weekly goals and achieve them.

  1. Cut Carbs Slowly

Don’t go cold turkey and drop all of the carbs right away.  You will feel horrible and want to give up. This isn’t a race.  Better to go slow and steady. Drop your carbs to 50-75 grams a day for the first week then slowly until you hit your daily carb goal.

  1. Stay hydrated

Because keto dieting has a diuretic effect, it can also be dehydrating and is responsible for some of the symptoms of keto flu, including fatigue and dizziness.

To avoid dehydration, drink more water than usual and add electrolytes sweetened with Stevia (most electrolytes have sugar)

A Quick Recap

The holidays can be a challenging time to maintain a diet plan, especially one like Keto that involves cutting out the carbohydrate-rich foods that we love this time of year.

Taking a timeout from your diet isn’t a failure. Diets such as Keto are meant to be a change in your way of eating that you can stick with for life. This means you can build in times for treats, rewards, and fun breaks like the holidays, if your overall way of life is a healthy one.

Have a solid plan in place while getting back into ketosis. By knowing how to deal with common pitfalls, like the keto flu and carb cravings, ahead of time, allows for greater success to be achieved.

My added advice… Keto is meant to be enjoyed so learn to love the foods and the lifestyle but also…“Find ways to laugh more, love more and live from your heart”.

About Michelle Borthwick McLaughlin:  Michelle’s coaching practice is evolving with an innovative approach to Keto that goes beyond fast, sustainable weight loss. Enter: KETOish. Transformational private coaching sessions that include proven Keto principles for weight loss but now include how to increase your energy, longevity, confidence, mindset, passion, and overall wellness.

Michelle has been the go-to coach for Keto for women since 2018. Her 1:1 coaching program has helped hundreds of women from 25 states and 4 countries lose over 8,000 pounds while eating foods they love.

Set up a free 30-minute coaching session with Michelle at and make an action plan for Keto in the New Year.