By Jeniffer Tan AKA Mrs. Fett

EA and Disney signed a multi-year exclusive licensing agreement to start production on new video game titles, based on the Star Wars Universe! Disney will be working with major game developers such as Visceral, BioWare, and DICE. So what does that mean exactly?
Well, first off, we all know LucasArts was shut down earlier this year, throwing the two promising titles of Star Wars 1313, and First Assault, right out the window.
“Every developer dreams of creating games for the Star Wars universe. Three of our top studios will fulfill that dream, crafting epic adventures for Star Wars fans. DICE and Visceral will produce new games, joining the BioWare team which continues to develop for the Star Wars franchise. The new experiences we create may borrow from films, but the games will be entirely original with all new stories and gameplay.” -EA Labels President Frank Gibeau
Lets start off with Visceral. They brought us the amazing Dead Space franchise, Army Of Two, and Dante’s Inferno. The rumor mill has it that they COULD be working on a Boba Fett game, (which is AWESOME) similar to Dead Space 3. I would imagine it will be a first person shooter, based on bounty missions. Wouldn’t it be AWESOME, if at the end of the game, you get eaten by the sarlacc, which ends up being the FINAL boss, and you fly out at the tippy toe end, confirming that you really did live! – Hey! I can dream can’t I?
BioWare, who has been working on the Star Wars franchise most of the time anyway, will continue to develop the SWTOR titles. Perhaps there will be an expansion sometime soon?!
Raise your hand if you have been waiting, tortured, and patiently for a new Battlefront title…Ok, now put them down, since I am obviously included, and can no longer type with one hand.
We all know DICE has the chops to produce amazing games, and the Battlefield franchise can attest to that. IF in fact they take on the BattleFront 3 title, we KNOW, we will be enjoying intense action, and graphics thanks to the Frostbite 3 engine, multiplayer battles in an interactive and manipulative environment, and of course cutting edge graphics and design.
More will be released on these game developers, but I would not expect to hear anything until mid 2014. Keep your fingers crossed my fellow Lucas Hounds!