Coachella Valley Repertory (CVRep) is taking a health & safety leadership role in the local performing arts community by requiring the highest current standard from its patrons, team members, and volunteers: Proof of COVID-19 full vaccination.
As COVID-19 infections continue to spread and even spike again in some communities, and with the uncertainty that COVID-19 variants may be adding to our upcoming abilities to enjoy social gatherings and live performing arts, CVRep’s Board has chosen to create as safe a theatre venue and performing arts space as possible by requiring this proof of full vaccination from all those who will spend time in the playhouse.
CVRep has also installed a new, upgraded anti-viral air handling system in its lobby, instituted a strict cleaning and sanitizing protocol throughout the playhouse before and after each performance, and will closely adhere to all CDC, State, County and local safety rules.
“Our primary concern will always be for the safety and well-being of everyone in our theatre,” said Board President Mike Monachino. “As this pandemic continues to evolve feel it is imperative to set the clearest and highest standards to help reassure everyone in our community.”
This now includes limiting admission to performances at the CVRep playhouse to guests who have been fully- vaccinated. In addition, patrons can take comfort in knowing that all CVRep staff and volunteers will also be fully vaccinated.
To accommodate anyone who is unable to get vaccinated for health or other reasons, CVRep will make individual exceptions to allow entry to the playhouse with proof of a negative void test within 48 hours. Unvaccinated guests, for their own safety, will be required to remain masked and may be seated in a separate socially-distanced section of the playhouse’s auditorium.
CVRep will ask patrons to voluntarily submit proof of full vaccination in advance by sharing copies of their vaccination cards or other equivalent electronic or digital vaccination credentials. Guests’ photo I.D.’s will be cross-checked at the playhouses’ entrances. Patrons will also be able to present their proof of full-vaccination at the door, if needed.
“CVRep is excited to welcome you back to our theatre and share the joy and wonder of live performances with everyone,” said Ron Celona, CVRep’s Founding Artistic Director. “We are proud to take this leadership role along with others in the local arts community to help keep our guests, performers, staff, volunteers, their families and loved ones, and our entire community healthy and safe!”
For information, tickets to upcoming musical events or CVRep’s full 2021-2022 season of plays, please contact CVRep at (760) 296-2966, or visit cvrep.org. CVRep is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit performing arts theatre.
In an effort to ensure patrons are vaccinated, CVRep will be implementing the following vaccine verification protocol.
Pre-Event Protocol
All patrons who have ordered tickets will receive an email requesting vaccine verification. [To date, we have had patrons self-attest.] To aid patrons in obtaining vaccine verification, the email will include these sources:
- If you were given a Proof of Vaccination card when you were vaccinated, you can scan it and attach it to your email (sample A below).
- If you didn’t get a card and were vaccinated in California, go to https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/ and they will provide a Personal Digital Record (sample B below).
- You can also present your Proof of Vaccination in person at the Box Office x:xx am to x:xx pm Tuesday, Thursday, etc.
- You can mail a photocopy of your Proof of Vaccination to: Coachella Valley Repertory 68510 E. Palm Canyon Drive, Cathedral City, CA 92234 Attn: Box Office.
- If you were vaccinated outside of California but in the U.S.A., go to your state’s Department of Health website where you can find information on proof of vaccination for your state.
- If you were vaccinated in Canada, you can go to your province’s https://health.gov.(province)ca/website and obtain your proof of vaccination there (sample C below).”