The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM) has proudly marked the groundbreaking of its expanded Women’s and Children’s Shelter. The public is invited to this significant event which will take place on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, at 9 a.m. The site of this remarkable development is located at 47470 Van Buren St. in Indio.

The expansion of the Women’s and Children’s Shelter is deeply rooted in compassion and driven by the mission to provide a sanctuary for women and children who are grappling with homelessness and adversity. This 4,000-square-foot addition will significantly enhance the shelter’s capacity, introducing ten new rooms and 60 additional beds. Furthermore, the expansion includes state-of-the-art kitchen and laundry facilities, inviting common areas, and a dedicated playground, ensuring a holistic environment for its residents.

Darla Burkett, Executive Director of CVRM, expressed her heartfelt enthusiasm: “We are honored to embark on this journey towards creating a space where women and children can find refuge, support, and hope. This shelter represents our commitment to addressing the unique needs of women and children in our community, providing them with the resources they need to rebuild their lives.”

Slated to open its doors in 2025, the expanded Women’s and Children’s Shelter is set to usher in a new era of compassion and support for those facing homelessness and hardship in the region. Since its founding in 1971, the Indio-based Rescue Mission has steadfastly offered food, clothing, and safe shelter to anyone in need. As the sole emergency shelter between Blythe and San Diego, CVRM provides over 320,000 meals and 108,000 bed nights of shelter annually. Beyond these immediate services, CVRM is dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness through extensive counseling, job training, and job placement services, boasting an impressive 80 percent success rate for individuals who enter residential programs and emerge employed and housed.

For those interested in supporting the Rescue Mission’s invaluable work or learning more about their services, visit CVRM’s website: