“I found my dream job at Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market”

Produced  By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration

If we remain attentive, sometimes a subtle change in direction can yield a lifetime of accomplishment and contentment. The prior rings true for local Coachella Valley resident, and her success story as store manager of Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market on Monterey Avenue in Rancho Mirage – Deborah Diane Donnell.

As a health enthusiast, Deborah’s fascination for remaining healthy has been at the forefront of her intentions since her teenage years. Little did she know then that today she would be working in an environment that ladles her with daily appreciation, and an overwhelming sense of community accomplishment.

Health is one of the most important factors in life. With it, worldly chores are accomplished with less hinderance, and to remain healthy is not as difficult as what many believe. With a few minor tweaks to diet, a little exercise, sun exposure, and the counting of one’s blessings, many health issues can be minimized, reversed, and or prevented.


Deborah’s original career focus was to become a courthouse stenographer. Yet, it was during her studies that the focus changed. Sure, working a steady job as a courthouse stenographer for some can be a very rewarding and lucrative endeavor, but for Deborah, her inner voice cried out her desire to want to dedicate time to the health and wellness sector.

For some time, Deborah, while still at school, forged her way into the world of health and wellness when she worked at Natures in Palm Springs. Yet, it wasn’t until she discovered her now almost twenty-year career in Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market that her days became a constant spring overflowing with joyous fulfillment. Not to say that Deborah, like us all, doesn’t have bad days. Yet, beneath those bad days, is always layered a silver lining of accomplishment.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Deborah about her career success story, and why it is she is so content working for the Coachella Valley’s leading health and wellness grocery and supplement market.

“One of the things I enjoy the most about my job is being able to serve the community, and to share information that, in many cases, changes someone’s life for the better. Many individuals with challenges have found better success after talking with our nutritional consultants. I’ve also personally advised customers on supplements and nutrition to help with broken bones, and have seen fantastic results”.  

Deborah is referencing hers, and other Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market’s staff of educated Nutritional Consultant’s ability to expertly guide customers food and supplement decisions. This is offered to Clark’s customers at the store seven days per week and free of charge.

“Another element I love about working at Clark’s is our efforts with the community. Clark’s sponsors many local programs and events, including schools, kids with learning disabilities, and The Desert Woman Show.”

Upon listening to Deborah, and sensing the joy in her voice, I dared to ask the question, “Will you work with Clark’s until the time you retire?” I will leave it up to you (the reader) to guess the answer.

Thank you, Deborah, and thank you Clark’s Nutrition & Natural Foods Market for being a beacon of hope, a source of nutrition and supplementation knowledge, and for assisting in the healing of so many of our desert city dwellers.