By Morgan James
Culturas Music-Arts formed with humble beginnings and an intention to make a difference in the lives of Coachella Valley’s youth. Celebrating year five of Synergy Music & Arts Festival, this proud group of inspiring volunteers have organized events that have made deep, lasting impressions. The original mural mission succeeded, the non-profit now expands to include more and more community projects, shining light on the East Valley youth. I am thrilled to have spoken with President, Gabriela Armenta, about how Culturas Music-Arts will continue impact lives and share the inspiring story here.
MJ: Tell me about Culturas Music-Arts and how and why it was founded?
GA: “Culturas Music-Arts began in 2008 with a group of friends- Oralia Ortiz, Ruben Gonzalez, Maria Gonzalez, Martha Lopez, Daniel Sullivan, Oscar Guevara and John Duran, after discussing the lack of public art and venues for the youth in the community of Coachella. They began by discussing a mural project down on Shady Lane; something similar to the one that was there in 1979, depicting the history and struggles of the Chicano/Mexican people. They began to organize and proposed a plan to the City of Coachella. The mural would be painted by local artists on a voluntary basis. Each panel would be 6’ x 50’ long. Paint and material would be funded by the city. The wall was plastered and primed by Toltec Builders only charging very minimal for material. In 2009 they kicked off the mural project with a music and art event at Dateland Park across from the mural.”
“It was the first of its kind not only in Coachella, but in all desert communities. I say this because, it was the first time that graffiti art was taken to the public, the first time that hip-hop artists were able to express themselves in an art and music festival organized just for them. A huge wall was built and several local graffiti artists began to use aerosol paint. Everyone that attended flocked to view the awesome images and the skilled techniques used to create those images.”
“You would over hear young people say, ‘It’s about time we had something for us’ and we realized that we had something going and that we had to continue what we began,” Oralia Ortiz once shared proudly.”
“The mural was completed in 2012. Culturas Music-Arts organized the unveiling of the mural with Synergy Music & Art Festival, it was a success. Synergy has brought together people of all ages, cultures, and races. It has created bridges to the Eastern Coachella Valley. We continue to build, create and break stigmas. This year marks the Fifth Annual Synergy Festival. It continues to grow. For images and videos you can google, Coachella Shady Lane Mural and Culturas Coachella Valley.”
MJ: What is your role in the non-profit? What is your personal motivation for being involved?
GA: “My involvement with culturas began back in 2012 when I was invited as the founder and director of an Aztec dance circle along with my group of dancers to share a little bit of the traditions and culture of the native people from Mexico. We participated in the opening blessing of the inauguration of the “great wall of Coachella” the finished Shady Lane mural project or Synergy Fest 2012. After that we continued to support in many other events. In 2014, I became more involved in the festival, then in 2015 I joined the planning committee and soon after took up the responsibility of vice president. This year I became the president of Culturas Music & Arts, former president Oralia Ortiz stepped down in order to work on a few programs for the community.”
“I love what the organization stands for and was really impressed by the commitment and passion from Oralia, or “Yaya” as we all know her in Culturas, to provide a place to where self-expression, creativity and diversity can be appreciated through arts, music, dance and theater.”
MJ: Tell me about past events that Culturas has put on or sponsored and how they have impacted the community?
GA: “Culturas is known for bridging gaps, connecting and inviting the west valley and the east to come together and create. We showcase and promote local musicians, bands, artists and businesses as well as bring awareness to different causes. For example, last year’s event “Is Anybody Listening” a screening and discussion on the award winning film and book by Paula J Caplan, “When Johnny and Jane Come Marching Home: How all of us can Help Veterans” was a night where veterans came together to share their stories and struggles and discuss how we can help our heroes by just taking the time to listen to a veteran.”
“This year we celebrated the Third Annual Women Rising/Culture and Unity: honoring the women in the forefront of the changing world and their local communities, empowering women of all ages through arts, music and spoken word.”
“Coachella Music and Art Party: showcasing local graffiti artists and live art. We are the first to take the lead to do anything for graffiti artists and showcase it as an art form. A new event for us this year was putting together our first reggae fest, “Rock Steady Reggae Night” bringing together some of the best local reggae music to one stage.”
“Other places that we have participated or contributed have been at the Indio Block Party, setting up a kid’s arts and craft areas with the help of some of our artists, as well as the first Crisalidas: East Valley Voices Out Loud, held at the Gonzales Ranch venue for all of our events generously donated by Mr. Ruben Gonzalez.”
MJ: What other events are happening this Summer or planned for Fall or upcoming?
GA: “For the summer we will focus on fundraising with a fireworks booth in the city of Coachella and events such as Pre-Synergy
Halloween Bash, a fun costume night and with a little taste of what we will see at Synergy fest in November.
Our biggest event is this year’s Synergy Music, Arts and Car Show Festival, which we are celebrating our fifth anniversary, held this year on Saturday November 19, 2016 in the city of Coachella at Dateland Park. It’s one day of music and arts free to the community, the car show is hosted by Viejitos Car Club of the Coachella Valley with more than two-hundred classic cars and low riders. The festival offers interaction between all cultural groups combining unity, tolerance and self-expression in an open, fun and safe space. Synergy brings opportunities for all residents and youth of the Coachella Valley to engage in the world of art, music and culture.”
MJ: What are Culturas’ goals for the immediate future and then goals for long term?
GA: “With the help of Crisalidas Community Arts Project of McCallum Theatre, who have graciously donated to us a truck (mobile art studio), we are happy to announce that we will carry out a series of art programs to the community aimed towards the introduction of art to teens and children, sometime within the next year.
Ideally our goal would be to one day have our own cultural, music and arts center and venue for our events where we can provide programs to the community especially in an area stigmatized and where art and music resources are limited.”
MJ: Who is involved with your team that organizes your events?
GA: “Culturas would like to thank everyone that makes all of our projects and events possible from the artists, bands, visual artists, sponsors, businesses, volunteers, non-profit organizations, the community, attendees and to the city of Coachella who has always shown us great support, to the Culturas staff who believes in the cause, and of course our friends and families who are always there for us. To everyone that donates their valuable time we couldn’t do this without you.”
Oralia Ortiz – Founder and Project development director
Gabriela Armenta – President /Affiliation: Danza Azteca Citlaltonac
Kelia Cupil- Treasurer /College Student
Claudia Armenta –Secretary /College student
Clarissa Camacho- Youth Council/Student
Mercedes Fernandez- Public Relations/Affiliation: Higher Heights Music Band (manager)
Ruben R. Gonzalez/Affiliation: Business owner
MJ: What else would you like to share with our readers?
GA: “I would like to say thank you to Ms. Yaya Oralia Ortiz for giving me the opportunity to take on the responsibility of the organization it’s been a wonderful learning experience, and for giving me as well a platform to share my culture and traditions with the community. We truly appreciate everyone’s support and we will see you in this year’s Fifth Annual Synergy Fest celebrating the Shady Lane Mural.”
For donations, sponsorships, vendors, visual and musical artist, VOLUNTEERS for synergy fest 2016
Please visit our website www.culturasmusicartscv.com