By Morgan James
Such an incredible group of talented artists and bands show each week for the CV Open Mic Competition 2016 at The Block Sports Bar & Grill in Cathedral City! Audience giveaways like T-Shirts from Brutal Bee Music Group have thrilled the rowdy cheering section each week as they warm up to voice their votes. Even more new faces came out to see what all this fun is about in week #7 of our competition, as they find out just how welcoming and supportive this open mic can be. Guest Judge VersaStyle aka Pete Campbell had the tough job of scoring and deliberating another tie breaking situation this week. However, once all of our talented musicians graced the stage and the votes were tallied, 2 separate acts were awarded 1st place and pushed into the semi-finals on January 4th. Lance Riebsomer and David Morales of Black Water Gospel advanced and decided to take home a $25 gift certificate to Stuft Pizza Bar & Grill. AND Razor J aka Juan Espino will now move on to the Semi Finals January 4th and chose to take home 2 tickets to the Mary Pickford Theatre. If either win in the semi- finals, the artist will compete in the Grand Finals on January 11th for an MTV Quality Music Video Production from Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films and award winning Director Chip Miller, plus a $500 trip to Las Vegas from Crater Lake Spirits, as well as an Artist Development Session from Grammy nominated Producer Ronnie King, a Promotional Photo Shoot from Rav Holly, and a Boss RC-1 Loop Station Pedal from Guitar Center Palm Desert, and an artist Merchandise Package from Brutal Bee Music Group including logos, 25 shirts, stickers, and more. 2nd place was awarded to Bri Cherry & The Boys (with Dominique) who serenaded the stage and decided on a $25 gift certificate to The Block Sports Bar & Grill.
THANK YOU to ALL our performers at the CV Open Mic Competition for putting on a great show AND making the environment so supportive for all of the artists involved: Bri Cherry, Danny Zee, Dominique, Chris Colin, Zech B, Marco Thoma aka System, Shiloh Rumor, Lou King, Christopher Gorman, L Boogie Da Mann, Tyler La Salle, Juan Espino aka Razor J, Moses of Chapter, Lance Riebsomer, and David Morales. I also want to thank all of the fans that keep showing each and every week just to enjoy the show! Also a big thanks to Johnny Carmona, our amazing sound technician. I hope to see you all next WEDNESDAY at THE BLOCK SPORTS BAR & GRILL in Cathedral City! Look for coverage of this week’s event and the announcement of winners in the next issue of Coachella Valley Weekly! SPECIAL THANKS to all of our sponsors: Desert C.A.M. Studios/Winmill Films & Chip Miller, Ronnie King Music, Crater Lake Spirits, Rav Holly, Guitar Center, CV Weekly, Canyon Copy & Print, Stuft Pizza Bar & Grill, Brutal Bee Music Group, and The Block Sports Bar & Grill.
Be sure to “LIKE” Facebook.com/CVOpenMicCompetition for updates! ALL AGES ALLOWED and YOU may compete EVERY week! PLEASE NOTE: Due to our overwhelming number of interested performers, sign in starts at 7pm and will be closed at 7:45pm. BRING YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY and FANS and note that the competition usually ends by 11pm so be sure your friends and family know to stay until the end to voice their vote!!! For questions or information about sign-up, please see Facebook.com/CVOpenMicCompetition.