Today’s featured artist is the amazing travel writer Kathy Strong. Kathy’s latest book is a must have for adventure lovers. It is called Secret Southern California – A Guide to Unique Places. Kathy is like a travel detective unearthing the most unusual places to explore. Drive a musical road that plays the William Tell Overture; hike to an abandoned zoo; explore a shipwreck off the Orange County coast; and more. Her book is a city-by-city guide of places to visit.
Kathy has been a travel writer for more than 30 years, having written or contributed to more than 20 guidebooks and countless magazine features, covering all areas of the world. Her own books sold in bookstores nationally are: Southern California: Off the Beaten Path; Recommended Bed & Breakfasts: California; Driving the Pacific Coast: California; Driving the Pacific Coast: Washington and Oregon; and The Seattle Guidebook. Strong was also the author of Recommended Island Inns: The Caribbean. Her latest travel book, Secret Southern California, is a culmination of the native Southern Californian’s knowledge and love for the off-the-beaten-path treasures of the southern part of the state, as well as “secret, authentic” finds at every turn.
Her Gannett/USA network newspaper column, GOING MY WAY, appeared in the newspaper travel sections for a decade. Strong also was a regular contributor to USA Today’s travel magazine, “GoEscape.” She has also been a contributor to Forbes Travel Guide and USA Today weekly magazine.
Kathy’s latest travel reveal is a new online travel website: PS Wish You Were Here (www.pswishyouwereheretravel.com ) that covers both national and international travel news and explorations. Email Kathy at kathystrong@live.com
Secret Southern California – A Guide to Unique Places can be found on Amazon in paperback and Kindle.
Kathy Strong profile photo credit: Sonia Stewart
Cover Secret Southern California photo credit: David Potaczala
Photo book covers photo credits: Kathy Strong
Currently, Kathy is a speaker with Women of Wit & Wisdom which presents programs for clubs and organizations throughout the Coachella Valley. For information & to schedule a program allaboutbooks51@gmail.com or call 760.340.2598
Strong’s latest travel reveal is a new online travel website: PS Wish You Were Here Travel www.pswishyouwereheretravel.com that covers both national and international travel news and explorations.
“I write for the person who may never leave their house to travel,” said Kathy. “If I can make readers feel like they have visited a destination without going, I have accomplished my goal in writing. I have seen travel change in recent years to be more authentic and dig down for the unknown, thus my inspiration for Secret Southern California and Southern California Off The Beaten Path that preceded it.”