By Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna
“Searching for a hidden Easter basket is an activity that children of all ages enjoys, however, there can be a few problems if parents are not careful,” says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna.”
Before doing anything follow the CDC health guidelines: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Candy & Toy Safety:
In order to prevent choking, avoid hard, round candy; thick or sticky candy; or candy with nuts. Caramel, sour balls and jaw breakers can be dangerous because children’s airways are higher and narrower than an adult’s, creating a choking hazard.
Fake grass is not digestible, so keep it away from little children.
Be sure that Easter toys and dolls (such as bunnies, chicks etc) are free of choking hazards. Pieces that can be removed from a doll or toy pose a potential choking danger to small children.
Egg Safety:
Eggs are a potentially hazardous food, in the same category as meat, poultry, fish, and milk. In other words, they are capable of supporting the rapid growth of disease-causing bacteria like Salmonella. Before boiling eggs for Easter decorating/painting, they must be kept refrigerated.
Use only clean, unbroken eggs – check when you purchase. Discard dirty or broken eggs. Cool your eggs in cold water or just in the air. Be careful of hot water/scald accidents
Egg Hunting:
Do not hide eggs in cupboards or drawers with dangerous products.
Do not hide eggs in, on or under glass.
Do not hide eggs in pre-existing holes in the ground or trees.
Do not hide eggs in any plant that have thorns or sharp stiff leaves, look potentially dangerous or poisonous. (Rule of thumb: If you don’t know the name of the plant, don’t put an egg in it!)
Do not hide eggs in any animal’s home, food bowl or play area.
Do not hide eggs where pesticides or poisons have recently been sprayed.
After hunting – Eggs that show cracks or damage, throw them away.
“If you keep these few simple tips in mind, you should be able to enjoy a fun, problem-free Easter celebration,” says Chief DiGiovanna.
Have a Happy Easter!