CV Weekly has taken quite a financial hit like so many of us during this pandemic. We want to be able to continue to publish online every week and bring you the same great columns you love as well as the quality feature articles from Noe Gutierrez and Crystal Harrell. In order to do that, we need your help, yes, you the readers. Any contribution big or small will go to continue to pay our Art Director, Website Manager and Writers. Advertisers are slim right now as we are an entertainment based publication but we are seeing some new ads coming in. Help us stay strong during this time. Thank you in advance!
You can donate by going to my PayPal account – Name: CV Weekly. Email Publisher@coachellavalleyweekly.com.
So here are my thoughts for the week:
Can you imagine going through this COVID-19 pandemic with self- isolation back before 2000 when we didn’t have email, text, cell phones with face time or FB live, Instagram or YouTube? Or, how about not being able to stream music or have On Demand movies and Netflix, Apple TV, Amazon and Disney?
We would have no interaction with our friends at all, or the ability to experience live music in our living rooms right now. Try to take the positive from that and at the same time go back to those sacred times where families hung out playing board games, cards, etc. (I remember the times growing up in PA when we had to stay in for days during snow storms.) Take this time for those walks, to read a book, clean out a closet, take an online course, travel via the internet and learn about new places, start that novel you’ve been talking about for years, have a deep conversation with a loved one, things that we never have time for. Take time to call that single friend that’s alone or senior that hasn’t gotten out in forever and check on them. If you have a partner, kids, family you live with, be grateful to not be alone. They might be driving you crazy, but think how you’d feel if YOU were alone for another 30 days.
Like I said in last week’s issue, we are all in the same boat, some just have bigger holes in their boats than others…so throw out a life raft when and where you can.