By Bronwyn Ison
Let’s face it, a magnanimous heart does not come naturally. Humans are selfish by nature. However, we can educate ourselves to be generous and project a giving spirit. Your parents taught you in your early years how to share and why it is important to give to others. As children it may have been a challenge learning this valuable lesson. Now as adult you are cognizant of the value in being generous to others.
Some people miss the point of giving to others. Selfishness plus refusing to give to others will only reap havoc on your soul. When you give to others you receive more. Plus, it feels good to give to others. Perhaps you don’t possess the financial means to reward someone with a tangible gift. Maybe you have spare time in your schedule and you could offer to help a busy friend. You can give in creative ways.
If you struggle with generosity, shift your mind-set. Remind yourself, I am generous and I seek opportunities to give. There are numerous ways to give. Listen to the people around you. You will learn what they need or want. This will provide you an incredible opportunity to fulfill their need. When you listen, you learn. Your friend, relative, or colleague may be more appreciative that you listened than for the actual gift.
We are immersed in the season of giving. Are you giving gratuitously or living generously? How can you discover more opportunities to give? I believe we possess opportunities each day to help someone. It doesn’t necessitate somebody you know. It can be the simple act of kindness by holding a door open for someone. Or, you may offer to babysit your friend’s child/children so they can have a date night with their spouse. Everybody wins. I believe the best kind of giving – is when nobody is looking.
Consider modeling the following three characteristics to living with generosity…
Live with an open-heart. Those of us with an altruistic-heart are generally inclined to help and find people who are struggling, hurting or are in pain. We can empathize with those who have difficulties and try to make it better for them.
Live with an open-mind. Those of us with a lucid-mind do their best to encourage others in big and small ways. This kind of person is consciously aware of their surroundings and will do what they can to appease and alert someone that they are special.
Live with an open-hand. Some people are able to give generously with tangible items. Giving to others comes as a privilege to this kind of person. They live with the attitude, “What is mine is yours and you may share in it.”
Most importantly we should strive to achieve living compassionately.
Bronwyn Ison is the owner of Evolve Yoga. www.e-volveyoga.com
760.564.YOGA (9642)