By Angela Romeo
Artists are born not created. The truth in art stems from the notion. Studying and training may enhance an artist’s skills or it can stifle a creative soul. Every once in awhile an artist just emerges from shadows – fully formed and constantly evolving. Halstyn Hair is one such artist.
“I like to say I am International, I am Canadian. But the truth is I am me, Halstyn, following my passion,” she noted. “I was born and raised in British Columbia. I moved to the desert just over two years ago, to be closer to my family that lives in the area.”
“I am studying Hospitality at college of the desert. But I find myself being drawn, literally, to my art. I have always been a creative person. It is only recently that I saw art as a career path.”
“Art is a form of therapy. I can express so many emotions through my work. I can say so much without the words, Visual is something we all understand.” continued Halstyn. “I am not been formally trained, but painting consumes me, and every piece of my work has some emotional tie to me. I paint to express myself, and I’m glad I can make others feel something in the process.”
Wise beyond her years Halstyn understands another concept to the art world – the business side. “I do not see my career in art as a sprint; it is a marathon. At COD I have been studying marketing. I am aware of how many things go into making a successful career. Talent is important but there is so much more. Earlier this year I began to post my work on Instagram. Soon people began to comment on my work. It was a surprise to me but also very helpful. I saw what elements of my work people liked. I also realized that there is a market for my work.”
“I began accepting commissions – mainly portraiture however I do various subjects. I do recognize that my subjects do tend to be females. I am not certain why sometime I think when I am working and reach a road block I use the model I have, me. I do not always see ‘me’ in my work but others comment on that. It is not a totally conscious choice.”
“I know that the art world does enjoy labels. I guess I would say I have a pop art style, but am still morphing and refining my ‘style’ of painting. As I said this is marathon and there is always room for growth.”
“I will be having my first public show this month. My opening is October 14 and I am very anxious to see the reactions of people. It will also be great to see the work not in my apartment,” laughed Halstyn. “I live with my work – it covers every square inch of living space and then some. But I feel I am ready to embark on this journey. I am looking forward to the exhibition.”
Halstyn Hair will be showing at Colliding Worlds Fine Art Gallery, October 14 to October 28. An artist reception will be held on Friday October 14 from 6 – 8 pm. The gallery is located at 680895 Perez Road, Building I, #13, Cathedral City
For more information on Halstyn Hair visit instagram.com/halstyyn. For more information on Colliding Worlds Fine Art Gallery visit collidingworldsfineart.com.