By Aimee Mosco

Everything begins with energy. We build our experiences on foundations laid with energy. Energetic matrices are set with intentions, which become the blueprints responsible for the shape of our manifested experiences. When these energetic foundations are created with higher thinking and the application of inner wisdom, the experiences that come to pass can only reflect enlightened states of being.

Knowledge and education serve to open our minds to new ideas. Experimentation and learning provide training ground for expanded views on life, but dynamic higher thinking comes from a profound connection to your inner spirit. Viewing the world around you through the eyes of your inner spirit allows you to naturally let go of the fear and judgment that stand between you and the most potent expression of your creative power.

When you attempt to create an experience with intentions you have crafted from the fear-based ego influences that plague the lower planes of existence, what you will get is an outcome that rests on fear. For example, if you unfriend people on social media who share opinions that conflict with yours and you do this as a way to protect your personal space, you are weaving an experience from the threads of fear. You are crafting an underlying foundation from the fear-based notion that you must protect your energy because others have more power over you than you do. This energy only invites more exchanges that motivate you to build higher walls of protection. Fear-based intentions are magnetic and invariably bring about more experiences that further siphon your power.

When you apply higher thinking to your social media dilemma, you elevate yourself to a space where you can see that the views of others only have as much power to affect you as you allow. If you actively expect to magnetize only peaceful energies to your personal space, that is exactly what you get. You may just find that even those who have different views have some energy of value to contribute to your peace when you have set a foundation with the vibration of unity.

Your blueprint for peace created from the perspective and influence of your inner spirit through higher thinking will draw only energies of peace into the matrix of your personal space. When these fortifying energies of peace you have invited in begin to build and circulate, your intentions take form and the desired experience is born into your reality.

Higher thinking connects you with your higher creative power. It  brings to form your true soul-inspired desires. Fear-based ego thinking disempowers you and keeps you stuck in the experiences that conflict with those true desires. So, which path will you choose?

Aimee invites you to join her Telegram community DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions to explore the topic of higher thinking. Go to to be part of these discussions.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves on an advisory committee to global charity organization, World Game-Changers, and the executive board of local charity, Coachella Valley Horse Rescue. Visit Aimee at