For so many women, weight loss is so much more than the number on the scale. You probably know that feeling—there’s a deeper, unspoken dream you carry within you. You want to feel good about your body, eat food you love without guilt, and maybe even feel a little sexy again. You want to walk confidently in your own skin without ever “settling.”   Yet, more than anything, you want to move past the frustration of all your failed diets and finally experience a real, lasting transformation. You are beginning to wonder if this is even possible.

This is where a Keto Transformational Coach comes in. You may be wondering if you really need someone’s help. After all, you could just download a keto meal plan, right?  And that’s a good idea if you want a quick fix. But you want to do this right you want a plan that fits your life, with real support and accountability, to make sure you succeed.  This time you’re not just looking for weight loss; you’re looking for something deeper, something that gives you the confidence you need.  If you haven’t thought about a coach… it can be the difference you need to move your life forward.

Why a Keto Lifestyle & Transformational Coach Is Different


A Keto Lifestyle & Transformational Coach isn’t just going to hand you a list of foods to eat. Instead, they help you change your entire relationship with food—and with yourself. Think about how often food has been tied to emotions for you. Whether it’s comfort, stress relief, or even guilt, a coach helps you break those patterns, so food no longer controls you. You’ll learn how to eat in a way that feels natural and sustainable, not like a never-ending battle.

Most of all, this isn’t just about the scale moving down. Yes, you’ll lose weight, but you’ll also gain something even more valuable: a sense of peace with your body. You’ll stop obsessing over every meal, every cheat, and instead feel empowered to make your own choices that get you to your goals.  And, even more important, once you reach your goals your coach helps you maintain it, breaking the exhausting cycle of yo-yo dieting.

Finding the Right Transformational Coach for You

If you’re ready to work with a coach, finding the right one can feel challenging.  You want someone who gets it, someone who gets you and someone who’s walked the keto path and helped others succeed. Someone you can trust to guide you, without making you feel judged or pressured.

That’s where someone like I come in.  I’ve been coaching the keto lifestyle since 2018, and helped hundreds of women lose over 8,000 pounds—even during the pandemic. What makes me different?  My approach. I believe that keto doesn’t have to be hard or complicated or forever.  I work within the range of Keto, paleo, and low carb to find the right balance for you without strict “diet guidelines”.  My focus is on finding what works for you, for your life, with full customization and support so you don’t feel like you’re doing it alone. I have endless tips, hacks, and down-to-earth guidance and support women to find long-term success without the struggle.

Is it Time to Take That Step?

At the end of the day, working with a keto lifestyle transformational coach isn’t just about losing weight—it’s about reclaiming your confidence, your body, and your peace of mind. Think about those moments when you avoid the mirror or dread having your picture taken. Or when you put on clothes that are meant to “hide” your body rather than celebrate it. You’ve probably spent more time than you’d like to acknowledge feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, battling those self-sabotaging thoughts.

What if you stopped letting those thoughts hold you back? What if working with the right coach could give you the breakthrough you need? Imagine the freedom of finally reaching your goals and stepping into the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be. It’s worth exploring—and it could change everything.

About Michelle Borthwick McLaughlin (known more widely as Michelle Keto), is the

foremost expert in living the Keto lifestyle and the go-to coach for Keto women.

She loves the CA lifestyle and spends time between San Diego and Palm Desert. Her

1:1 coaching, and group programs have helped hundreds of women from 25 states.

and 4 countries lose over 8,000 pounds while eating foods they love. Michelle’s one of

the few Keto leaders who promote full customization for long term success. For a

complimentary 30-minute coaching call, please schedule at: or email any questions to