By Julie Buehler
There are not many places I’d rather be than on a golf course, sipping a cold beverage of choice, strategizing the perfect shot before unleashing my slice that would make a New York style pizza joint proud.
Problem is when the temperatures seemingly soar beyond the New York area code; that cold beverage is warm in a matter of seconds and you’re melting faster than mozzarella in a brick oven.
The summer is a great time to play golf in the desert because the days are long and the rates are low, but it can also be dangerous in such extreme heat.
So here are 5 tips to enjoy the world’s greatest game without suffering in the summer temps.
1) Hydrate the night before. It’s critical to drink as much water as you can while playing any sport in the summer, but golf isn’t a sport that requires much exertion and therefore most people underestimate the hydration the body needs. But the heat will assault your body and your sweat evaporates rapidly. Beginning the hydration the night before creates reserves for the body rather than expecting the day’s liquid intake to supply all the resources. So start early, avoid caffeine and other diuretics and drink water the night before to ensure your ready for the day’s adventures.
2) Take Gatorade popsicles. Grab a couple large bottles of Gatorade or other sports drinks, pour out 2-4 ounces into another container, reseal and stick those bad boys in the freezer the night before your tee time. The next morning pull them out, add the 2-4 ounces you poured out the night before back in and as you go through the round, the iced Gatorade will melt and keep your beverage cold, refreshing and you can stay hydrated with electrolytes. The reason you need electrolytes is to keep your brain working properly through the round. A birdie putt on 16 gets tough when you’re hallucinating 3 different holes because your body is depleted.
3) Wrap ice towels around your neck. This is an old trick, but works every time. Grab a couple extra towels from your bag and stick them deep in the ice in a cooler. As the temperature increases, pull one out, wring it out a little, and fold it around the back of your neck. It will instantly cool your whole body. Refresh it as much as you need.
4) Stay in the shade. This seems obvious, but wearing sunglasses doesn’t protect you. Park your cart under a tree. Watch your buddies from under the cart awning or take an umbrella if the course you’re playing doesn’t have many trees. The temperatures can be up to 20 degrees cooler in the shade, so seek it out and stay there as much as possible.
5) Go easy on the alcohol. We all love a cold beer on a hot day. We all REALLY love a cold beer on a long par-5. BUT alcohol is a diuretic, which depletes your body of much needed hydration. Same goes for energy drinks. So all your work hydrating the night before and icing your Gatorade will largely be negated if you’re cranking through a 6-pack. Go easy on alcohol, if you can, avoid it on the course and enjoy yourself at the clubhouse after your round.
Follow these 5 easy tips and you can enjoy the great rates and gorgeous views our desert has to offer this season.