Maybe you decided to search online with “Google Coach” for Keto advice. Quite often the information can be confusing so investing in a meal plan seems the easiest thing to do. There aren’t a lot of options out there for Keto customization. You’ll find the same repetitive info (Keto is 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs). Period!
You won’t see any adjustments, or customization that takes your personal lifestyle or gender into account. Women’s Keto and Men’s Keto are very different.
The CUSTOMIZATION PROCESS I use isn’t arbitrary or a one-size-fits-all formula.
I look at your gender, age, activity level, overall health, how your body is responding to Keto, your motivation, your hormones, your mindset, are you finding delicious foods that satisfy your cravings, etc. When all these important factors are taken into account, and perfected, you’ll end up with a workable action plan to help you past any barriers you might have for weight loss. Combine that with expert guidance, accountability and support…the true magic of Keto happens! You’ll be hooked on the Keto lifestyle. More importantly, you’ll avoid many of the mishaps and pitfalls that many people make who end up giving up on Keto and saying it doesn’t work. It didn’t work because they were missing important information.
Look at this great example of how ongoing customization around FAT might vary from what you find online:
YOU ADD FAT to your diet and eat as much bacon, fat, healthy oils, cheese, fatty meats and cheese as you can take in. Your goal has been to get into Ketosis quickly…and fat will be your fuel. THIS IS TRUE!
The weight starts coming off quickly…. you get excited and keep ADDING MORE FAT thinking that this is the answer. The MORE FAT the better to stay in ketosis. THIS ISN’T TRUE 🙂
When you are deep into ketosis and that first 10 pounds have melted off effortlessly. As your COACH, I’D DO THE OPPOSITE and REDUCE YOUR FAT. What?!
Your body has adjusted to the fat, you are using fat for fuel and the best way to rev your metabolism into high gear… is by REDUCING FAT….
YES, your new goal is to BURN YOUR OWN BODY FAT for energy…NOT THE FAT FROM YOUR DIET. It’s a beautiful thing…Keto will burn your own body fat and reshape your figure with this nuanced application.
The amount of fat reduction is different for every client. And, once we change it, it’s a step-down process from there. It will change again for ongoing customization.
With my customized (not a one-size-fits-all) Keto action plan you will lose crazy amounts of weight. You will look better, feel better, gain confidence and be budgeting to buy new clothes 🙂
Have questions or want to know more about this proprietary and proven approach? For CV Weekly readers, I will send you my Keto Customization Code form to fill out. Send it back to me and I will make personal recommendations for YOUR Keto and jumpstart your progress in a safe, healthy and effective way.
About Michelle Borthwick: Michelle is a Keto Lifestyle coach, a Seasoned expert on Customized Keto. Keto weight loss results can be improved with Coaching, Customization, accountability and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, meal plans, proprietary customization, goal setting and more. If you are interested in customizing Keto for you and your lifestyle, book a complimentary private coaching session online at