The greatest things about the PS ShortFest are the sweet gems that are embedded in the thematic clusters of wide-ranging film programs.
No matter what film program you choose, It’s hard to imagine there won’t be at least one film that delights and diverts.
If you are reading this in print or online on or before Thursday June 21, all the films listed here are worthy of your time and still can be seen. Last minute tickets are often available at the Camelot box office. Also, look for more repeat programming at the best of fest event scheduled at the close of the ShortFest.
Thursday, 22 June, 1pm
Movies about the turning points in our lives
Film to find: “PREGNANT PAUSE” (UK, 13 minutes)
Steph is in a long-term relationship and dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. Complicating her feelings, she’s reminded that when her mom was Steph’s age, she had two kids. And when David Bowie was her age, he released five albums. What’s a girl to do?
Thursday, 22 June, 4pm
Program: “And Now for Something Completely Different”
Movies outside the box of expectations.
Film to find: “SUMMER’S PUKE IS WINTER’S DELIGHT” (Japan, 3 minutes)
Though painful events become memories over time. Still we eat again. Consider Zen wisdom from a hipster cat’s out of body experience.
Friday, 23 June, 2pm
Program: Cons and Consequences
Movies about the risk – and rewards (!) of outlaw life
Film to find: “THE WAY I LOVE YOU” (Spain, 23 minutes)
A petty crook falls for a pretty cop.
Friday 23 June, 1:30pm
Program: Coupling & Uncoupling
Engaging films remind that nothing lasts forever
Film to find: FOREVER NOW (Danish, 19 minutes)
Steady couple William and Cecelie breakup, take MDMA, spend the weekend together — but find themselves apart.
Friday 23 June, 4:30pm
Program: Animal Instincts
Fun films about animal life
Film to find:: “POLES APART” (UK, 12 minutes)
Set in a severe Arctic wilderness, a lonely and hungry young polar bear has to decide if an inexperienced grizzly is food or friend. Great voice work from Helena Bonham Carter.
Sunday, 25 June, 10:30am
Program: America the Weird
Movies true and fake about our strange, eccentric neighbors, friends – and selves
Film to find: OUR NEW PRESIDENT (USA 12 minutes)
What appears to be a found footage assemblage is in fact a clever faux documentary that explores and celebrates the cult of Donald J. Trump via average Russians praising and patronizing Trump as a synthetic, but welcome ideological figure on the world stage. Or that’s what I got from this unsettling and funny farce of a film. Among the best of the fest.
More fine short films are also free online, visit www.psfilmfest.org/2017-shortfest.