It’s finally here!! For the first time in AMP’s history, you can purchase an album of music recorded by AMP musicians. AMP Album: Volume I is a compilation of music from our AMP Spring 2020 session bands, along with music from many of our fantastic AMPlumni, past and present.
By becoming an AMP Angel and making a small monthly donation, you will automatically have access to our first compilation of covers and original music from AMP bands both current and past. Our AMP Angels are a huge part of the support system that makes our program possible. Rock on!
AMP Summer Camp 2020
Summer 2020 is right around the corner and we are still accepting donations of PPE including gloves, hand sanitizer, unused masks, and antibacterial wipes! While we have had to update our summer camp (ampcv.org/summer-camp) to be partially-remote, we still have students coming in to play music with other students (six feet apart and with face coverings)! Stay tuned to AMP’s Facebook page (facebook.com/academyofmusicalperformance) to stream our Final Showcase on July 17.
We understand the importance of giving teenagers a productive outlet during this time, while also taking every precaution to create a safe and healthy environment for all of our students and staff. We have reviewed and updated all of our procedures to ensure that we are being as safe as possible. Your donations of PPE allow us to focus our funds on providing financial aid to our students throughout the year. If you are interested in volunteering this July, please submit your information at ampcv.org/contact. If you are interested in donating PPE, please email Josiah at josiah@ampcv.org.
AMP in the News
Spring 2020 was an incredible session for several reasons. Not only did we develop an entirely new system for learning remotely, but AMP also recorded its very first album. To accomplish these goals we implemented new earning tools and technologies. One of these technologies is Soundtrap, a collaborative online digital audio workstation. Using this tool, AMP Spring students learned to collaboratively record, edit, and arrange audio recordings all from the comfort of their home. Employees at Soundtrap were so impressed that they featured us on their website! You can read more about our journey on Soundtrap’s blog at edublog.soundtrap.com.
Tuition Assistance — AMP Private Lessons
Are you or your child interested in taking music lessons? AMP will be offering discounted lessons for musicians under 18 starting Fall 2020. Thanks to a generous grant from the Anderson Children’s Foundation, you may be eligible for AMP’s private lessons for as low as $10/week. AMP’s Lesson Program is open for all skill levels and accepts students age 6+. Please email Josiah Gonzalez for more information if you are interested: josiah@ampcv.org.
Thank you to Anderson Children’s Foundation for a grant that makes this amazing opportunity possible!
Get Involved
We are always in need of helping hands and financial patrons. Here are two ways you can help AMP continue serve the youth of the Coachella Valley.
Volunteer at an Event – Volunteer at ampcv.org/volunteer
Become an AMP Angel – Donate at ampcv.networkforgood.com.