Parkinson’s Resource Organization (PRO) is excited to announce it will once again partner with Blue Coyote Bar & Grill in Palm Springs for the Fourth Annual Don Cavanaugh Day on Sunday, November 13th, 2022.
The event, which runs from 11 AM to 9:00 PM, will honor the life and legacy of founder and longtime Blue Coyote owner Don Cavanaugh, who lost his battle with Parkinson’s on February 23, 2019. The restaurant, now owned by Cavanaugh’s daughters Shayne Alloway and Kelle Baker, will donate 15% of the day’s proceeds to Parkinson’s Resource Organization. Representatives of the Organization will be present all day to answer questions and distribute information about the disease and the ways the organization can support both people with Parkinson’s and their family and caregivers.
A short program at 1 PM will feature invited celebrities and local government people, Jo Rosen, President & Founder of Parkinson’s Resource Organization, and Don Cavanaugh’s daughters Shayne Alloway and Kelle Baker. The event will also feature live music, free swag, and Blue Coyote’s world famous margaritas. Oh, by the way, they will also have free chocolate chip cookies – one of Don Cavanaugh’s favorite foods.
“When our Dad was battling his diagnosis, Parkinson’s Resource Organization was instrumental for our family,” says Shayne Alloway. “Jo and her team were incredible, and their Wellness Village Resource Directory helped us find the right people to take care of our dad. We want to give back to an organization that has given so much to us, as well as raise awareness in the community so people know what a difference PRO can make for families and people with Parkinson’s.”
“Every year we look forward to Cavanaugh Day,” says Jo Rosen. “It’s such a special way to honor Don’s legacy as a father, a restaurant owner, a beloved member of the Palm Springs community, and a brave man who faced an impossible diagnosis with grace and strength. Our mission is to ensure that no one is isolated because of Parkinson’s, and families like Don Cavanaugh’s make that mission a joy to fulfill.”
For more information call 760-773-5628. Parkinson’s Resource Organization is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity 501(c)(3) tax ID: #95-4304276.
About Parkinson’s Resource Organization: Since 1990, Parkinson’s Resource Organization (PRO) has served countless people caring for and living with Parkinson’s disease, a disorder of the central nervous system which affects movement, often including tremors. Founder Jo Rosen was the adult child of a person living with Parkinson’s and later a spouse of a person with Parkinson’s. She was inspired to create an organization that would advocate for, educate, and provide emotional support for caregivers of people with Parkinson’s. Now known worldwide with an online Wellness Village directory providing resources for Legal, Insurance, Financial Planning, Caregiving and Care Management, Medical Professionals, Hospice and Science as well as weekly virtual support meetings. They are working so no one is isolated because of Parkinson’s and working to find choices in creating the ultimate quality of life.