Next mobile testing event in Palm Desert on Nov. 12-13
Following a successful coronavirus testing event in October at the Palm Springs Convention Center, Riverside County’s mobile testing team returns to the Coachella Valley to provide free coronavirus tests to residents. The next mobile testing event is taking place at the Palm Desert Community Center in Palm Desert, 43-900 San Pablo Ave., 8 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Nov. 12 and Nov. 13.
The Riverside University Health System – Public Health mobile testing team is holding testing events in Coachella, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, Sun City Palm Desert, and the unincorporated area adjacent to the City of Desert Hot Springs. A total of six mobile testing events aims to gather hundreds of test results to aid in the detection and disruption of the coronavirus.
Riverside County officials remind residents that returning to the red tier of the state’s reopening framework is based on the actions that all of us take – including getting tested. All residents must remain vigilant in safety protocols and get tested. Getting tested is a critical step to early intervention that slows the spread to others. When residents wear face masks outside the home, keep six feet of distance from others and frequently wash their hands, they protect themselves by up to 95 percent of the virus.
PCR swab tests for active infections slows the spread of the disease by identifying infected individuals who can then be isolated as well as their close contacts. This process disrupts the virus and slows its spread.
“Besides the benefit to our businesses, there’s a payoff for you,” said Dr. Cameron Kaiser, Riverside County public health officer. “If you’re medically vulnerable, detecting the infection early might reduce your risk of complications, and even if you’re well, it means you can take precautions sooner to avoid spreading it to your family or workplace. If we can get less spread, fewer people will be at risk, and that’s the most important goal.”
Testing is free at a county or state-run site and available for anyone.
Mobile teams support testing in specific communities, businesses or organizations by testing for one or two days. “We know we need to increase testing throughout the county and residents are responding to the call, as seen in our recent record number of tests over the past two weeks,” said Supervisor V. Manuel Perez. “We want to bring testing closer to our communities, and we thank businesses and communities for partnering with us to provide locations for testing events.”
There are 12 permanent testing sites spread throughout Riverside County, both walk-in and drive-up services. To find county and state-run locations and make an appointment, go online to gettested.ruhealth.org or call 1.800.945.6171/ For a list of other COVID-19 test sites in your area, click https://covid19.ca.gov/get-tested/.
Follow official sources for information, including Riverside University Health System-Public Health on Facebook and @RivCoDoc on Twitter.