Charity: Desert Aids Project
By Heidi Simmons
“It’s an incredible honor,” said Robert Moon, Mayor of Palm Springs. “I have no other job. It is the only thing I do. I work full time being Mayor.”
When Moon is not at City Hall, he travels to meetings and events all over the Coachella Valley representing Palm Springs. Moon spends hours reading and preparing for City Council sessions. “I love Palm Springs and its residents. It’s wonderful!”
Since Moon was elected Mayor last November, he has been most surprised that he is recognized. “It’s heart-warming when people come up to me and share their stories and concerns. I never mind, even when they say they didn’t vote for me. It’s a labor of love.”
Moon most enjoys helping frustrated residents. “It’s very rewarding to be able to answer their questions, provide direction and find solutions.”
A life of service and dedication is in Moon’s blood. As a naval officer, he served his country for 22 years — 15 of those years at sea. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis and did graduate work at George Washington University. He worked in Washington, D.C. serving as a DOD auditor under President Reagan. For generations his family has been in public service. His grandfather died in the line of duty as a fireman.
Born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas, Moon settled in Palm Springs after he and his husband, Robert Hammack, attended a Halloween party. Moon and Hammack just celebrated 35 years together. They have been permanent Palm Springs residents since 2001.
“My hero is my husband and partner,” said Moon. “He is the kindest, most intelligent, patient, and generous person that I have ever known. He has a smile that lights up a room, and he has been at my side and supporting me for more than half of my life. He is the wind beneath my wings. I just wish I could be more like him.” The two consider their friends here in the CV as extended family along with their beloved 15 year-old grey tabby cat they rescued from a local shelter.
Moon is on the board of Contemporary Arts Council at the Palm Springs Art Museum, and also an Ex-officio Member of the Museum Board of Directors. Until recently, he served on the Board of the Palm Springs Opera Guild. He and Hammack support a number of local charities that include United Way of the Desert, Desert Aids Project, Well in the Desert, and the Stroke Recovery Center.
As far as hobbies go, Moon admits to being an “unabashed workaholic.” But he enjoys cooking with his spouse. “My husband is a better cook by far, but I love to plan dinner parties with him when we entertain our friends at home.” Moon and Hammack are also art collectors. Moon is a volunteer Docent at the Palm Springs Art Museum. “Giving tours at the museum is a tremendous joy for me.”
Moon loves period piece movies. Two of his favorites include Dr. Zhivago and Casablanca. “I enjoy watching them over and over. I also love Woody Allan’s Midnight in Paris and, more recently, Café Society.” Moon’s favorite music is Opera and Jazz and his favorite place to vacation is his own backyard. “However, if I leave home, my favorite vacation spots are in Italy and Spain,” said Moon.
Passionate about the city of Palm Springs, Moon is especially keen on improving the city’s parks, recreation centers and infrastructure.
“So many residents have given up their lawns and need a place to take the kids,” said Moon. “We are also working hard to improve our streets and are currently upgrading our fire stations #4 and #5.”
Moon encourages residents to get involved with the city.
“In total, there are 15 boards and commissions. There is something for everyone,” said Moon. “It is very rewarding to get to know the city, its staff and to understand the strengths and limitations of city government.”
Every day, Moon spends time reading and answering email addressed to the Mayor. “I like being in touch with residents,” said Moon. “So, let us know what makes you happy and what you think we are doing right or wrong. This is our community and together we can continue to make it great.”
At a recent White House event for elected LGBT leadership, President Obama saw Mayor Moon in the East Room and greeted him. “I’ve met him twice here in Palm Springs, but it was nice that he recognized me and came over to say hello and chat.” Moon has met four US Presidents over his career.
Retired as a Commander, Moon considers his service in the Navy the greatest honor of his life. “After that, being elected to represent the residents of Palm Springs as their Mayor is a tremendous honor for which I strive every day to be worthy.”