By Trooper Ramsey
Come on… relax, everyone is Irish that day. At least in heart and drink right? And so many of you will be out there, drinking Jameson Whiskey or Irish car bombs, gathered in bars, homes, lawns and parks, toasting the day and feeling the moment. In reality it is not about Ireland, or being Irish, for most of us here in the states at all. It is more about cultural heritage, togetherness with people you know, and those you have yet to meet, but have gathered for a common celebration and feeling. There are only a few times a year that you can do this and everyone around you is on the same buzz, tuned in, really feeling it. New Years Eve, Super Bowl and St Patrick’s Day; all great drinking days.
And why do we drink so much on said approaching holiday? To quote: “The custom of drinking alcohol on St. Patrick’s Day, known as Pota Phadraig or Patrick’s Pot comes from an old Irish legend. As the story goes, St. Patrick was served a shot of whiskey that was very small. St. Patrick decided to teach a lesson of generosity to the innkeeper. He told the innkeeper that a devil who fed on the innkeeper’s dishonesty was in his cellar. In order to banish the devil, the man must change his ways. When St. Patrick returned to the inn some time later, he found the owner generously filling the glasses. He returned to the cellar with the innkeeper and the devil was so emaciated from the landlord’s generosity, that St. Patrick promptly banished it.
The custom may also be called “drowning the shamrock” because it is customary to float a clover leaf in the whiskey or beer before drinking it.”
Now there will be no Green Beer for me. Not my style or choice I guess. Being the beer snob that I am, I have my choices all lined up for sure. So, where does craft beer come into play on this long running tradition? I, for one, will be drinking Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout by Flying Dog Brewer, an amazing beer to say the least. For a lighter ale, I will have some 60 Minute IPA from Dog Fish Head.
For those that gather out there, take your time and choose your beer wisely. There is a revolution going on, no need to stick to every tradition and drinking cliché you have ever heard or seen. Go your own way revolutionaries. Drink from the well of craft beer options out there. Head to Coachella Valley Brewing for some Condition Black or Lucas Rye Walker, go to LQ Brewing for their Koffee Porter, or roll by Babes Brewhouse at the River for a wide selection of bottled and on tap craft beer.
Now why do I write this rant about St Patrick’s Day? Because friends, that is Beer Culture at its best, this is one of the top drinking days of the year, year over year. And that is one of the things that make us human: Gathering, Celebrating, Remembering. And we do it so well and we drink so well. An Irish Prayer from a great Movie: “While the wicked stand confounded, call me with thy saints surrounded.” Be safe this Drinking Holiday, Be with the ones you love, Love the Beer you drink.
We will launch the St. Patty’s day episode on the Morning of The 17th. We will be drinking Bells Brewing, visiting with El Presidente from Coachella Valley Homebrewing, Brett Newton. Come share your thoughts and evening plans with us on www.Beerculturewebshow.com