By Dr. Maria Lombardo
It sure is hot these days! Higher temperatures can lead to lower energy, less activity and a general summer malaise. How do you stay feeling, and looking, great this summer? Dr. Maria Lombardo has some great tips to surviving the summer temperatures and staying on top of your game all year round!
- We lose facial volume/fullness with aging – replace it to look more youthful & refreshed! Fillers like Sculptra, Juvederm or even using your own body fat to restore fullness in the right areas of the face can make you look younger and more refreshed! Fillers are a great choice to fill in that crease between the corner of the nose and the lip (called the naso-labial fold) and soften the appearance.
- Our eye lashes also thin as we age and can make us look older – a great mascara can help but promoting longer, thicker& darker lashes with Latisse, the only FDA approved product for eyelash growth, can really make a difference.
- Whole, fresh foods are the best way to get nutrition but a daily Multivitamin can be a good insurance policy if you aren’t getting enough of the micronutrients you need in your diet. This is especially true in the hot, summer months.
- Friendly reminder: women need to do a monthly self breast exam! Pick a day, the 1st of the month for example, and do the exam while you are in the shower! If you do a regular check, you will be familiar with own body and will be able to notice if there is a change.
- There are no such things as “Age Spots” or “Liver Spots”… It’s all sun damage folks! A chemical peel can help clear that up and a good sun screen can help prevent future damage! Summer in the desert can be a great time to do a peel: when it’s very hot outside we tend to spend less time outdoors!
- Always sip water after drinking coffee or tea to minimize staining of the teeth!
- To de-stress during the day: Take 10 deep beauty breaths. It increases oxygenation and blood flow, reduces stress and lets you take a little “breather” for yourself!