One of the desert’s favorite crooners, who moved to Florida, returned last weekend for a visit. Steve Ditullio who has been a well-known fixture in the desert, made the rounds performing during his visit and we followed along with our camera. First we stopped at the American Legion in Palm Springs, which is a fun place of regulars who come to dance, drink and eat. They have a great stage and Steve sang standards, Elvis and more. Michael D’Angelo and his wife Patty stopped by and he performed as well. The whole gang was there to celebrate Pamela Mc Collom’s birthday.

Then it was on to Pete’s Hideaway where Kristi King, Mikole Kaar, Denny Pezzin, and more sat in. It was a party in progress. This was my first visit to both places and I can see the small town atmosphere and comradery amongst the locals.

This is the time of year most of the locals truly love when it’s a little quieter and we get to experience the small town atmosphere that makes the desert a great place to live. I’ve included some shots from the night. Enjoy!