By Janet McAfee
Our soaring summer weather can bring distress and even death from heat stroke to our beloved dogs. This week the temperature in Palm Springs rose to 121 degrees, as people and their pets sought ways to keep cool and comfortable.
Every year this column tells the story of a little Silky Terrier who died from heat stroke on August 15, 2015, in a Desert Hot Springs car lot. The dog sought refuge underneath one of the cars, but the scorching sand beneath her paws raised her body temperature even higher, and the site became her coffin. Help didn’t arrive in time to prevent the horrific and painful death she suffered, her throat parched from thirst. Summer is pictured here just before passing away. Ironically Summer died on International Homeless Animals’ Day.
Local animal advocates were alerted to the dog’s plight. Jo Venegas-Cebrun contacted Cathie Coats who was near the dog’s location. Cathie crawled underneath the car only to discover the dog had just passed away from heat stroke. Cathie recalls, “I was heartbroken, this dog is the face of neglect, this dog is the face of what heat does to animals.” The Silky Terrier was another sad casualty in the battle to prevent animals from suffering and dying in the heat.
Jo Venegas-Cebrun wanted to pay tribute to the dog she named Summer. This dedicated “rescue warrior” drove to Desert Hot Springs to retrieve Summer’s body, determined she would receive the love and dignity in death she may not have known in her short life. Jo took the dog to a pet crematorium, and kept her ashes in a memorial tribute. Summer had no ID tag or microchip that would have identified an owner.
Summer’s death and photographs went viral on Facebook where animal lovers posted sad and angry comments. Her story was featured on KESQ televised news. Rescuers gathered in memory of the little dog they never knew. Countless “outdoor only” dogs are suffering during this scorching 2020 summer. Some of them will perish without public attention.
Summer’s legacy is to save the lives of more animals from the blazing summer weather. Even if it does not cause death, overheating can result in irreversible kidney, heart, liver and brain damage. Dogs cannot sweat the way we humans do, as their only sweat glands are in their nose and on the pads of their feet. Imagine being thirsty and drinking out of a bowl scalding hot water bowl outside. The hot weather only adds to the distress experienced by lonely “backyard only” dogs.
Dr. Andrea Walters, a veterinarian specializing in emergency and critical care, helps us understand from a medical perspective why heat stroke can be so deadly for dogs. “Heat stroke occurs when an animal’s body temperature increases so much that it cannot be regulated property and brought down. Dogs don’t sweat like people do. Instead, they pant to cool themselves down. Heat stroke causes damage to proteins and cells, which can lead to severe shock and cellular dysfunction when blood vessels near the skin dilate dangerously.” Dr. Walters explains dogs’ need to cool through panting is why extreme heat is more dangerous to flat nosed breeds such as Pugs, Boxers, Bull Dogs and Shih Tzu’s. While heat stroke can kill dogs of any breed, seniors and puppies are at most risk.
More precious dogs will die from heat stroke this summer, some left in cars, others left on hot patios, some kept as “outdoor only” dogs in yards. This cannot be said enough – – – BRING YOUR DOG INDOORS DURING THIS HOT WEATHER! NEVER LEAVE A DOG UNATTENDED IN A CAR!
Your dog needs potty breaks and walks outdoors. What should you do to protect him? What are the signs of heat stroke in a dog, and what life saving remedies can you take?
Take your dog on long walks in the mornings and evenings, avoiding outings when the sun is at its highest. Avoid asphalt and concrete when you walk, and stick to shaded areas whenever possible. This is not the time to have him run alongside while you bicycle ride, or allow him to engage in strenuous play at the dog park. Bring a bottle of water to sprinkle on him.
Know the symptoms of heat stroke. These can include glazed eyes, heavy panting, and pulling back on the leash. Other symptoms include excessive thirst, hyperventilation, dry gums that are pale or grayish, or bright red tongue or gums. Your dog may quickly suffer weakness, staggering, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and ultimately collapse. Finally, if the overheating isn’t stopped, his breathing will slow, and he may have a seizure or fall into a coma.
Dr. Walters advices, “if you suspect heat stroke, it is important to begin lowering the animal’s temperature as soon as possible, even before transporting them to a veterinarian. A hose can be used to cool the animal, focusing on the belly and paw pads. Be sure the water is cool, neither hot nor cold. If the garden hose has been sitting in the sun, the water will be very hot. It’s very important to not cool the animal too fast.” Lay the animal on a cool towel, but don’t wrap them in one as this could trap the heat. Get vet care immediately.
What can you do to continue Summer’s legacy? Talk to friends and neighbors who think their dog should be outdoors 24 hours a day. Calmly ask them why their dog is always outside. Provide them with information on heat stroke. To start off, suggest they get a baby gate and keep their dog in a kitchen or laundry room during the hot days. Give them a copy of this article. Anyone needing additional suggestions to transition their dog from outside to inside can email me.
Share Summer’s story. Meanwhile, enjoy the companionship and unconditional love your best canine friend provides INSIDE YOUR HOME!
Below is a partial list of shelters and rescues in the Inland Empire with animals for adoption. Most of these shelters remain closed for walk-ins; Call for an appointment. You can view most of their animals online in advance of calling.
COACHELLA VALLEY ANIMAL CAMPUS – This county shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. You can view the animals at all 4 Riverside county shelters at www.rcdas.org, and get the ID number of the animal you want to meet. Email them with the animal’s ID number at shelterinfo@rivco.org and call (760) 343-3644. Located at 72050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms. (Public)
PALM SPRINGS ANIMAL SHELTER – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. They schedule appointments Wednesday through Monday, closed on Tuesday. View their animals online at www.psanimalsshelter.org, 4575 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs, (760) 416-5718. (Public)
ANIMAL SAMARITANS – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. View their animals at www.animalsamaritans.org. Email acorrow@animalsamaritans.org to foster. Located at 72307 Ramon Rd, Thousand Palms, (760) 601-3918. (Private)
CALIFORNIA PAWS RESCUE – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 73650 Dinah Shore, Palm Desert. View their animals at www.californiapawsrescue.com, (760) 656-8833. (Private)
HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt a dog or cat. View their animals at www.orphanpet.com. Located at 17825 N. Indian Canyon, Palm Springs, (760) 329-0203. (Private)
KITTYLAND – The shelter is closed so call for an appointment to adopt a cat. Located at 67600 18th Avenue, Desert Hot Springs, www.kittylandrescue.org, (760) 251-2700. (Private)
FOREVER MEOW – Foster based rescue for cats located in Rancho Mirage. Contact them at www.ForeverMeow.org, call (760) 335-6767. (Private)
PRETTY GOOD CAT – Foster based rescue for cats located in La Quinta. Contact them at www.prettygoodcat.com,call (760) 660-3414 (Private)
LOVING ALL ANIMALS – The shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 83496 Avenue 51, Coachella, www.lovingallanimals.org, (760) 834-7000. (Private)
MORONGO BASIN HUMANE SOCIETY – Located at 4646 Sun View Rd, Joshua Tree, www.mbhumanesociety.com, call between 11am-4pm for updates (760) 366-3786 (Private)
CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANIMAL SHELTER – Shelter is closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Hours for adoption 10am – 4pm Tuesday thru Sat. Google “City of San Bernardino Animal Shelter” for website to view animals and get the ID number of the animal you want to meet. Located at 333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, (909) 384-1304 or (909) 384-7272. (Public)
SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER AT DEVORE – Shelter closed but you can call for an appointment to adopt. Call (909) 386-9280 daily between 9am & 5pm. View animals at www.sbcounty.gov/acc and get the ID number of animal you want to meet. Located at 19777 Shelter Way, San Bernardino (Public).
DREAM TEAM ANGELS RESCUE – Foster based rescue located in Grand Terrace/San Bernardino area. Contact them through website www.DreamTeamangelsrescue.com, (360) 688-8884. (Private)