Goldenvoice Puts Talent and Perseverance to the Test for a Second Year
By Lisa Morgan
For the second year in a row, Goldenvoice and its partners extended an opportunity to local musicians to participate in what is hailed as Tacheva: A Palm Springs Block Party. Goldenvoice, an extension of AEG Live, has been responsible for importing huge numbers of various bands to the Coachella Music and Arts Festival since 1999 (excluding 2000). Last year, they threw a very coveted bone to our desert’s impressive collection of unsigned artisans by creating the event that successfully turned out huge crowds and even earned some local bands a place in the festival itself. Our musicians threw their hats in the ring for this opportunity again this year, by submitting a video to a website that could be seen and voted on by online viewers. Over 62 videos were submitted this year by bands, some local, some not, all hoping to win through a voting system that awards those with significant time on their hands and can vote repeatedly. While the system may not be what some would call an accurate way to measure talent deserving of the honor, it does reflect the drive and desire of both the bands and their fan base to see their beloved music make its way to the top. With the addition this year of a qualifying, live audition of those top 10 bands, there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that those two selected will have truly earned their way to the platform.
Still, as a community whose musicians support each other and often share stages with each other, the general consensus voiced by many of those top ten bands was this: that some of our best and most talented working bands were denied an opportunity that, if based on talent alone, would likely belong to them. Those same revered musicians (with a few exceptions), accept the system for what it is and don’t begrudge the bands who made it to the top ten. They merely acknowledge their frustration with the system. Fortunately, any one of the bands who did not make the top ten by popular vote, may still be selected by Goldenvoice as a wild card to fill a third slot at Tachevah.
All conversation and opinions aside, the top ten bands will truly have to bring their very best performance to their auditions in order to gain billing for the high profile, April 16th event in downtown Palm Springs. Some of these bands are extremely impressive and will make this a fierce competition for the limited number of slots. They will be split up into two separate showcases, March 12 and March 26 at the Hard Rock Hotel in Palm Springs. They’ll perform before a panel of judges including Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Shelby Lynne as well as representatives of Goldenvoice and their promotion partners, Desert Sun. As of March 3rd, the bands are still awaiting instructions regarding how long they will each be allowed to play, but they are preparing for anything.
The March 12th show at the Hard Rock Hotel, Palm Springs, will showcase the following bands:
• Alchemy, are said to be from the Coachella Valley. There’s no way of knowing, at least not for this writer. With many contacts and much time invested in this desert’s music offerings, I could find NOTHING on them via internet, social media or personal reference a midst all the other things that pop up when one Googles the word Alchemy. I hope my colleagues fared better. All I can tell you about them is what they offered in their video submission, and that wasn’t much. Without showing their faces, they used interesting videography as a drop cloth behind an instrumental piece that had some cool guitar and bass sounds and tasteful percussion. Still, it honestly left me scratching my head as to how this could be a contender. In comparison to the other submissions, it was a bit bleak, repetitive and displayed no dynamic to speak of and was somewhat passionless. Alchemy, whoever you are, if you are a young group of artists making your first efforts, please don’t be discouraged, but continue to grow and reach. Look around you and learn from the bands that you will be competing against, and those I will now mention who did not make the cut by popular vote, but should by all means, be your heroes and your mentors: Parosella, Bobby Nichols, Se7en4, Ideation (John Merek), Deadend Paradox, Machin’, Gene Evaro Jr., Lost in Los Angeles, Bridger, Caxton, The Rebel Noise, The Hellions, Blare the Surface, The Butchery Boys, and well…pretty much everyone else. And if you are serious about this music thing, make yourselves easily found. This industry will not spend nearly the time trying to find you as I did.
• Blasting Echo, from Palm Desert, has been playing and producing music as one the desert’s best and most thrilling bands to watch and listen to for a while now. This band is as much a family as they are a band. Individually, each member is a master of their own gift. Their cohesiveness combined with their individual years investing in and honing their skills allows them to perform passionately and fluidly. Blasting Echo is Josh Heinz – vocals, songwriter, guitar; Mondo Flores – drummer, good ideas, producer, vocals; Laramie Eve – bass and inspiration, and Linda Lemke-Heinz – keys and vocals. With original music from hard rock to punk rock and everything in between, their songs confront personal, social and political issues with honesty, energy and intensity. Their passion translates well in their recordings, but to really know and love this band, you have to see them live. The band also has a deep personal connection with Autism. The majority of the band members have children with this developmental disorder. Blasting Echo has organized the annual Concert for Autism for five years running, raising important funding benefiting programs for desert families with Autistic children. Find their music at http://www.reverbnation.com/blastingecho and like them on FB at https://www.facebook.com/blastingecho so you can follow them to a live show.
• CIVX (also translated 2014) is an indie rock alternative band from Coachella that is very newly formed. CIVX is Nicolas Hernandez on vocals and bass, Sal Guti on guitar, Dillion Dominguez also on guitar and Joel Guerrero on drums. This band displays an artful use of dynamics in their music. While the chord progressions are simple the music stays interesting due to the skillful guitar stylings that change rhythm and voice dynamically. While their influences range from The Clash, Joy Division, Interpol, Deftones to Modest Mouse and 2Pac, their own music maintains its individuality due to the unique vocal crafting of Nicolas Hernandez. With the bass matching the rapid rolling drumming spot on, these players prove themselves to be technicians as much as creative artists. The band is currently working on recordings that are sure to be quite intriguing. Follow them on FB at www.facebook.com/pages/CIVX where you’ll also be able to hear their new music once it’s released.
• Elektric Lucie, from Coachella, has toured venues and festivals all over California and Mexico, including the House of Blues in San Diego and Hollywood. The alt-rock band born from ex-Members of ZINEMA and other Coachella based bands is currently recording at Extrema Studios in Los Angeles and Lava Sounds Mexicali in Mexico. The foundation of their music has an energetic, driving beat delivered by insanely steady and tight drums, bass and percussion that have a definite Latin flair while still maintaining a put-your-fist-in-the-air, solid, rock and roll sound. In addition to their rock god guitar licks atop this powerful foundation, the strong, clear vocals in both Spanish and English complete this amazing bi-cultural rock band, representing both cultures supremely. You can check out some of their music on Youtube at the following links: youtu.be/MBFBcpBefPs, youtu.be/FL_aONdpKSg, and youtu.be/LOOGtag8Jc0. You can follow their touring schedule and new releases at these links: www.facebook.com/pages/Elektric-Lucie, www.jango.com/music/Elektric+Lucie and www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_3409260.
• In Viridian, from Palm Springs, finally made their way to the finals this year. I was amazed by their submission to Tachevah last year, as this bunch of high school kids produced some very good, intelligent and interestingly creative music. I was lucky enough to catch them at Schmidy’s Tavern in Palm Desert within the last few months and was impressed at their growth and continued melding. This band, as good as it is now, is constantly pushing their own limits technically and in their presentation. They will continue to be fun to watch. I’m perhaps a bit hopeful that they will win, just to see what they will do on a large venue stage, as lead singer, Arturo Ramirez, is fearless in his desire to express himself and passionately deliver a musical message. Brandon Heil on guitar, Nick Noble on drums, Dimitri Perera on bass, and Nicolas Lara also on guitar, support him solidly with some very strong original songs.
Follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/InViridian where you’ll also find links to their music.
The Bands Showcased on March 26th at the Hard Rock Hotel in Palm Springs will be:
• The Mellowdie, a band formed fairly recently, dominated the vote count with well over 10,000 votes. The winning video displays simple rhythmic acoustic guitar, keys, vocals and a message regarding the hypocritical act of “throwing stones.” “Everybody’s waiving Bibles like we’re not equals…casting stones…” sings Benjamin Benitez. He is accompanied by Victor Aguirre, on vocals and guitar and Armondo Aispuro on vocals and keys. The song that captures a bit of the peace/Jesus movement of the 60s, seems to be a clear reference to a biblical account wherein Jesus says, “He that has not sinned, cast the first stone.” In the biblical account, the mob dropped their rocks and retreated as Jesus lent his hand to the woman who he saved from the mob’s judgement. While this band may be perceived as a bit strange at first, do not throw stones. They might be just different enough. In a world where music is all over the place even within its own genre, and the market is flooded due to easy access via the internet, this band might just be unique and good enough to rise above the top and make a sound in our current era. Mellowdie has been one of the many talented bands featured at the Hood Bar and Pizza’s open mic, a local establishment known for their consistent support of the desert’s home grown music scene. Follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheMellowdie
• The Morning After, from Palm Springs is made up of Paul Stark- Vocals/Guitar, Michael Arcaro- Guitar, Kevin Arcaro- Bass and JD Perone- Drums. This band would win the award for best attitude if there was one to be given. The band’s mantra: “No matter what happens the night before, The Morning After always offers a new day with new beginnings.” This band already has a huge following and reminds me of two other brothers who had some success in the pop music industry: Evan and Jaron (Lowenstein) and their hit single “Crazy for this Girl”. This band definitely has industry polish, and their song “So You” is well produced and radio ready. This band could be a serious contender depending on the genre bias of the judges. Find The Morning After and links to their music on Facebook at www.facebook.com/themorningafterus
• One11, from Palm Desert, is a fairly young band, formed while the guys were all in junior high school. This band has evolved significantly over their 5 years together. Along with over 200 shows throughout California, including the Van’s Warped Tour, they placed first out of 54 bands in the Next Big Thing Tour at the Key Club in Hollywood, and won the Roc It OC Tour in Orange County against 74 bands. They entered the contest last year at the last minute without reward. Lead singer and guitar player, Michael Ramirez shared, “We were way more organized this year. Last year we didn’t even vote. This year we did vote, but we’re especially glad to have the opportunity to do a live audition.” Like many of the bands, they want to be considered for what they have to offer on stage, and this band definitely has a lot to bring to their listening audience. Even with two of their members away at college, they communicate and continue to write songs and, according to their manager, are doing so “at an even deeper level”. Talking to Michael, I heard a confident, determined musician excited for this opportunity for his band to show their chops. It’s exciting to know, that as good as One11 is now, they are primed to grow and mature with every opportunity like this, producing really good music the desert can call their own. Follow One11 and check out their music at the following links: one11band.com/music , twitter.com/ONE11BAND, www.facebook.com/ONE11BAND, and www.youtube.com/user/OfficialONE11Band
• Tribesmen, from Coachella, “…are hands down, my favorite band in the Coachella Valley.” This was no small compliment given the fact that it came from Brandon Ray Henderson, a highly respected musician himself and one of CV Weekly’s Promoter of the Year award winners in 2013. Repeat winners from last year, this instrumental band’s unique and eclectic mix of styles is the only returning entry. They are a rare gem here in our valley, creating a veritable edgy rock symphony like nothing you have heard before. This talented band consists of Wilber Pacheco and Alec Corral on guitar, Leslie Orozco on bass and Freddy Jimenez on the drums. This band impresses a listener with their recordings, but it’s an entirely different experience to watch these musicians produce their great sound live. You can do so by catching their performance at the Hood Bar and Pizza in Palm Desert, March 28th. Follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tribesmencv and check out their music at tribesmenmusic.bandcamp.com
• The Yip Yops, from Palm Desert may have the biggest “Wow” factor going for them. There is some very tight and mature music coming from these artists whose ages range between 13 and 17. They were independently pursuing their passion when circumstance brought them together as recently as August, 2013. Ison Van Winkle, age 14, is on lead vocals and guitar and is also the band’s songwriter. Jacob Gutierrez, age 15, is on bass, guitar and vocals, and Ross “the Boss” Murakami, age 17, is on drums and vocals. Their style is fascinatingly unique and interesting to describe. For example, in their song “Oduya”, heavy rock guitar chords that turn into staccato riffs and open up to a poignant bass lead reminiscent of the B52s backup the lead vocals that are a combination of Stray Cats lead singer Brian Setzer and the late Michael Hutchence of INXS. As I listen, I find myself perplexed, thinking that this couldn’t possibly be coming from kids so young. Well, young they may be, but they are very deserving of this shot to perform for some influential people in the music industry. The band is working on releasing an EP soon this year. Follow The Yip Yops and hear their music at the following links: www.theyipyops.com, www.reverbnation.com/theyipyops and www.facebook.com/theyipyops
The best thing about all of this is that our local desert musicians are being taken notice of and given an opportunity to have their gifts heard. If you are passionate about music or just passionate about our incredible desert homeland, nothing but beautiful things can come from your support of our local troubadours, by purchasing their music, praising their accomplishments and attending their shows.
After this week’s article was sent to print, we were finally able to contact the band Alchemy but not able to include their information in the article. We learned that this year old quartet, based in Indio, was started by bassist Eric Lopez and Danny Gonzalez who plays guitar and keys. They later joined with drummer Luis Monroy and vocalist Jahaziel Hernandez. They claim influences such as Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Cream, The Beatles, and some more current bands like Tame Impala, The Strokes, The Horrors, and Diiv just to name a few. We look forward to learning more about them and their sound next Wednesday at the Hard Rock.