By Morgan James
Self-described as “ghetto wave, slacker goth, post jangle” The Kathys sure do have their sound and their audience figured out. Confident melodies and a fresh hip sound, I was pleased this week to be introduced to this relevant Indio based band comprised of Juan Carlos Gonzalez (drums), Edgar Hernandez (bass), Alec Paul Corral (strings), Austin Gonzalez (synth) and Jose Sebastian Sabas (lead spoken word). I spoke with Jose about the band’s new album, where you can see them live and why fans are “dweebin’ out” with The Kathys.
MJ: What elements inspire your musical creation and how do you as a band write songs?
JSS: “I write it, I usually will write the guitar parts and the vocals alone and then I’ll add the rest of the guys to turn the idea into an actual song. I’m usually just inspired by mundane activity. I love how simple and dull life can be, like it can really just create a scene of beauty out of what you think would be some guy just eating a sandwich on the bus. It’s really extraordinary. A lot of recurring themes are subjects such as death and existentialism, boredom, guilt, but also the happiness that can morph from that. I want relatable music. We all feel.”
MJ: What can our readers expect from The Kathys at a typical show and what sets you apart from other bands?
JSS: “Hmmm I’m not sure what sets us apart, but I would say that we just have fun and actually enjoy music. Of course we work hard and practice, but ultimately it’s all just for fun. Part of being slacker Goth! Hmm it’s so different with every set, but the crowd has reacted in every possible way. We usually just induce an atmosphere of joy or pleasure; lots of dancing, sweating, and just dweebin out. I love when people open up that way, it’s amazing. Once in a while the crowd will freak out and kick dirt around hahaha. It’s great. I just like to think everyone has fun and lets loose. But expect to get a little sweaty and a little dweeby, it’s all love at our shows. Who cares!”
MJ: What other bands have you enjoyed playing shows with? Do you have any funny stories about past shows?
JSS: “We have had a handful of embarrassing and funny shows… hahaha. Pretty much everything that can happen wrong happened haha. Amps giving out, guitar straps slipping, having a little too much fun and being sloppy. It’s all happened but I enjoy every second, there’s something so humbling about these things. You’re a human not a machine. Human error! We love The Hood and Dillons, Ray and RSP Productions always do such amazing jobs and always help us out. We respect and appreciate them so much. Then we also just love backyard shows so much. It’s where we started the band and I love the fact that they are always usually all ages shows and I love letting everyone enjoy the music. I mean younger people can be so passionate and it really helps the live show. Like if you’re going to wig out and let loose then so will we, ya know. It’s a trading of energy. We will always love playing diy backyard stuff. We love playing with Venus and The Traps!!! They’re basically my family and I respect and adore their band so much…a lot of support and fun. Time for the name drops haha, but we also love the rest of our fellow musicians and bands like; Ken Photo, Fight Like a Girl, Ritual Restrero, Slipping Into Darkness, Facelift, Panzram, Vivo Muerto, Calico Wonderstone, Abysmal Curse, and the rest of you all. We love you all.”
MJ: Tell me about your album release and where our readers can find your music?
JSS: “You can find our music on the basic music Website: Bandcamp, SoundCloud, etc. We also just released our first LP called Paradise on cassette through Sun Lips Records. Thanks Luci. People got about like 20 tapes through us at our tape release show, but if you weren’t there or are from a different planet then you can order some of our tapes through the Sunlips website. BRANDON BUTCHER DOES ALL OF OUR SOUND. He’s such a wonderful and intelligent being to work with. He goes to our live performances and understands what we want to put out sonically on the records. He doesn’t mind how obsessive I can get and he’s really open to our ideas even if they seem a bit odd. If you want amazing work recorded you go to Brandon Butcher. We released Paradise physically at our release party, but by the time this article comes out we should upload Paradise for free on Bandcamp. So everyone can download it and listen to it in a tub, while you paint your nails, and even when opening your store or workplace.”
MJ: What is next for The Kathys?
JSS: “We really just plan on expanding and trying to tour soon hopefully. We just want to improve as players and try to share our energy and sound with as much people as possible. Now with help of our newest members, Alec and Austin, we really want to make as much noise as we can and see how far we can take it, haha. I want people to feel the intensity. Everyone should experience how joyful making noise can be.”