Featuring Socially-Distant Festivities to Celebrate Halloween
Tickets are available now for The Living Desert Zoo and Garden’s annual Howl-O-Ween on Saturday, October 31, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Reservations are required for both members and guests and space is limited to accommodate health and safety guidelines. The event is free for members or included with paid park admission.
Visitors of all ages are invited to dress up in their favorite costume and enjoy a socially distanced, family-friendly adventure along with the every-day wonders of The Living Desert. In lieu of traditional trick-or-treating, children 12 and under will receive a pre-stuffed Boo-in-a-Bag featuring treats and toys, while supplies last.
“This year Howl-O-Ween has been adapted to accommodate for social distancing and safety while still offering a fun way to spend Halloween day,” said Erin Scott, Sr. Marketing and Public Relations Manager. “We encourage everyone to reserve their tickets online today, as we have limited entry and anticipate the day will sell-out quickly.”
Howl-O-Ween day activities include a self-guided scavenger hunt to learn about many of the Zoo’s commonly misunderstood animals. Myths, preconceived ideas and other tales will be dispelled as guests learn about the unique features and attributes of vultures, hyena, Mexican wolf, coyote, and many more.
Visitors are encouraged to pick up a program upon entry for scavenger hunt details and the schedule to catch a glimpse of their favorite animal enjoying pumpkin pandemonium – a special pumpkin enrichment that offers the animals a way to celebrate the holiday with a treat. Food and beverage specials will also be available.
For more information and advanced online reservations, visit livingdesert.org.
The Living Desert is open daily from 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. With more than 80 acres of outdoor space, numerous precautions, and limited capacity, there is plenty of space to socially distance. Facial coverings are required for guests over 3 and advanced ticket reservations are required.