Trans Community Project (TCP) announced today the Trangender Day of Visibility will be held on Thursday, March 31, 2016, from 4 to 8 pm at the Local Color Gallery at 220 E. Arenas Rd, in Palm Springs. The annual event is organized to show support, raise awareness and celebrate the transgender community.
The Trangender Day of Visibility (TDOV) will include a drop-in open house, live entertainment and performances from poets, and spoken word artists. According to Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER), the 2016 TDOV theme is #MoreThanVisibility. While visibility is an important component of the annual celebration, TDOV also calls on the community to take direct action against transphobia. On the day of the event in Palm Springs, organizers plan to raise awareness through social media (facebook, twitter) and post facts hourly about trans rights and issues. A video project is also planned and will use the hashtag#IAmTransVisible.
TCP organizers are working in collaboration with the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Equality California (EQCA), The LGBT Community Center of the Desert, Greater Palm Springs Pride & National Center for Lesbian Rights.
In 2009, Michigan trans activist Rachel Crandall established March 31st as Transgender Day of Visibility, a day of observance to acknowledge and celebrate the successes of the transgender community. TDOV aims to bring attention to the accomplishments of trans people around the globe while fighting cissexism and transphobia by spreading knowledge of the trans community. Unlike Transgender Day of Remembrance, this is not a day for mourning: this is a day of empowerment and recognition for the trans community.
The first celebration held in the Coachella Valley was in 2015. The grassroots group, Trans Community Project, collaborated with HRC, The LGBT Community Center of the Desert and EQCA to organize an event at the Equality California district office in Palm Springs. Lead organizer, Paulina Angel said, “Last year we used materials from Trans Student Educational Resources and other LGBT organizations to raise awareness for the Trans community. It was a fun event and we received media coverage from The Desert Sun, KESQ & KMIR News. We’re expecting a big turnout this year.”
For more information on the event, please contact TCP Organizer Paulina Angel at Paulina.A.Angel@gmail.com or visit www.facebook.com/TransCommunityProject.