By Aimee Mosco

You may be noticing that your focus has changed in recent years. There are many explanations for that, to include the rapid advancement of technology that was unfathomable to you as a younger person, and concerns related to navigating a global pandemic, but these are things that exist outside of your being. Of course, they capture your attention, but your inner spirit, the part of you that is hidden down deep inside, is your true presiding influence.

Your inner spirit is responsible for guiding you forward on your soul journey in this body of yours. Your inner spirit whispers in your ear, reminding you where to put your attention, and where to put your foot next even when you are not aware that you are receiving guidance. The things outside of you that capture your attention are props for your inner spirit and represent opportunities for you to grow your soul through your human experience.

The pandemic, for example, was a monumental event that affected every person living in modern civilization. It would have been hard to ignore, but on a higher level, it was by design. The pandemic offered a golden opportunity to integrate some of our greatest soul lessons with the highest degree of awareness. The pandemic reminded us how important connectivity among living beings is. It gave us a chance to be grateful for good health. These soul lessons, when fully integrated and brought to the forefront of your awareness, inspire a leap in spiritual evolution, soul growth, and human consciousness.


The same holds true for the ever-advancing technology that holds us captivated. Technology releases us from some of the chores and mundane tasks that take up valuable time but are not entirely productive from a soul lesson perspective. Technology gives us abundant opportunities in which to use creativity and mental function that makes our souls sing as well. Technology also makes it easy for us to connect with other living beings in all corners of the world, and just in time as we cross the threshold of the unity paradigm.

Even with the new soul-growing opportunities presented to us as a means to evolve and ascend, many of us still find comfort in our old habits and ways. There is nothing wrong with this. It is important to remember though, that your prime directive on the soul level is to grow in consciousness. So, if you are one who chooses to place focus on habits and interests of the old world, know that there is always a way to turn old experiences into new growth. Set your intent to pair your creativity with your focus and then use your inner vision to get something new out of something old.

In my pursuit to assist you in elevating your consciousness to new heights, I invite you to join my Telegram group DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions. Go to and enjoy the light of this supportive community.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee served global charity organization, World Game Changers, as vice-chair to their board and continues her charity work in the Coachella Valley. Visit Aimee at