By Sunny Simon
There is so much great news on the job scene. According to the July 2018 jobs report from the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate dropped to just 3.9 percent and the August report cited average wages experiencing unexpected growth. Fast forwarding, this may mean a tight labor market for employers. How does that impact you, the employee? Well, get ready, because you are about to be cast into the driver’s seat.
Although you may not actively be seeking a new opportunity, you might fall into the category of “passive job seekers.” So when the phone rings and the recruiter on the other end is tooting his or her horn about the fantastic opportunity that has your name on it, I suggest you listen up.
If you’ve networked extensively and have an all-star LinkedIn profile, you may be hearing from an inside recruiter or a headhunter. What kinds of questions should you ask to determine throwing your hat in the ring?
Begin by thinking about your future. Drill down on what opportunities would exist for advancement. Perhaps you want to return to school for an MBA, or a second degree. Inquire about a tuition reimbursement program. Family planning in your future? Investigate any additional maternity or paternity perks a potential employer has rolled into their benefit plans. Find out if the company supports working parents.
Are you tired of the sixty minute commute, and not leaving the office until after 7:00 p.m. If that is the case, you would be wise to make a move to a company touting a serious work-life balance culture. According to surveys done by www.glassdoor.com many employers support their employees’ vision by offering excellent benefit programs and a flexible work environment. Visit that website for specific data.
Has the lack of teamwork at your current job given you pause? Question the company’s core beliefs. Ask the recruiter if the potential employer offers a culture of collaboration, team work and inclusion where you can feel valued. Should you decided to accept an invitation to interview, keep those questions in mind. Watch for clues as you speak with hiring managers and their teams.
Word of caution here, there is little to be gained from incessant job hopping. On the flip side, if an opportunity comes along that on the surface appears to improve your work life, accept the interview. Take a long, hard look before you jump ship. If you decide the job does have your name on it, go for it! Then stick around and make them happy you joined the team by adding value. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com