National “Wildfire Awareness Week” is declared the first week in May. Approximately 95 percent of all wildfires are sparked by the activity of people, which means that almost all wildfires are preventable. “With a record dry and warm winter Californian’s fire activity has been nearly double what it normally is for this time of year,” says Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna. “Our firefighters continue to meet the challenges posed by California’s historic drought, but we all must do our part to ensure our homes are prepared for wildfire and that residents and visitors to our state take extreme caution to avoid sparking a wildfire.”
One of the leading causes of wildfires is outdoor powered equipment. Use powered equipment before 10 a.m. and never on hot and windy days. When clearing dead or dying grass don’t use a lawn mower or weed trimmer with a metal blade.
Residents looking for additional information on how to prepare themselves, their families and their homes for wildfire can contact their local fire department and visit www.ReadyForWildfire.org.
Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna