By Aimee Mosco
Natural crystals mined from the Earth function as receivers and energetic information banks. When they are used for decoration, jewelry or in electronics, they are generally appreciated. When they are used for spiritual practice in these modern times, they have been known to invite criticism from those who do not understand their spiritual value. The practice of working with crystals has gained derogatory labels such as witchy or new age woo-woo.
While it may be true that crystals are used in ceremonies and rituals that push the limits of mainstream boundaries, magical rituals are not the only way to utilize crystals. Anyone can work with crystals in a spiritual capacity. It is not necessary to have special skills or training to do this. Crystals are from nature, just as trees, flowers, and animals are. You need not train to go outside and smell flowers for relaxation or watch the squirrels play in the trees to feel happy. You can receive crystal energy just by holding them in your hands. A little bit of higher understanding, however, can be helpful when you are developing a deeper personal relationship with crystals.
Crystals receive and capture information, not only from you but from the Earth, from animals, plants, and anyone who has handled the crystal before you. They are recording devices. You may not resonate with ALL of the information captured by a crystal when you first take guardianship of it. Therefore, it is important to clear the crystal of any energy that does not benefit you.
Crystals respond to the vibrations you emit because they are receivers. This property makes crystals easy to clear. You can perform a simple clearing by expressing your intent to purify your crystal. An example of a clearing intention is, “I choose to purify this crystal with my inner light and clear it of any energy that does not honor me.”
Once you have mindfully cleared your crystal, you can direct spiritual energy to it and put the crystal to work for you. When you consciously generate thoughts that reflect the nature of your inner spirit, your crystal is able to receive, capture, and hold those thoughts without alteration. It is nearly impossible for us to hold thoughts intact like this for long because the human mind is in constant movement. Our thoughts are positive one minute and negative the next. Keep your thoughts positive as you touch your crystal and it will hold that energy in perfect form until it is cleared again.
Crystals support you by recirculating your most positive, enlightened thought energy. They greatly enhance the potency of any spiritual practice because they assist you in keeping vibrations high. If you are trying to elevate yourself but the thought of working with crystals was too woo-woo for you in the past, it might be time to revisit your position.
Aimee invites you to join her Telegram community DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions to explore the topic of crystals. Go to https://t.me/+8XQ9bgCiF0A2YzIx to be part of these discussions.
Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves on advisory committees to global charity organization, World Game-Changers, and local charity, Coachella Valley Horse Rescue. Visit Aimee at www.ihsunity.com