By Michelle Borthwick
Angel Light Academy’s (ALA) Leadership Training Institute (a 50l (c) (3) non-profit) presented their Annual Gratitude luncheon on Saturday, November 19. This festive holiday event themed “In Giving We Receive” highlighted community service projects of the ALA junior leaders and was inspirational to everyone in attendance to give back to the desert community in service and support our youth. The event was held at the Indian Wells Golf Resort with a reception and luncheon and benefitted the organization’s annual Junior Leadership Training Conference which will be held in March 2023 where approximately 200 youth attend the two-day event.
ALA PROGRAM CORE BELIEF: ALA believes that if youth learn to solve problems and apply leadership skills, they become more self-confident and improve their self-esteem and self-efficacy and will change their lives forever. Angel Light Academy strives to establish a new paradigm for leadership that is based on service to others and instills this in all youth participants.
ALA teaches leadership, team building, problem solving, conflict resolution, and communication skills to youth.
ALA provides opportunities for youth ages 5-18 to learn new skills that improve confidence and allow them to be the best they can be. Through training, mentoring, and nurturing, ALA creates inspiring leaders who provide exceptional service to others and their communities. The reputation and success of this training organization has resulted in trusted relationships with teachers, school districts and community professionals leading to increased requests for programming.
Julia Wilmot was selected statewide in 2003 by Governor Janet Napolitano as Arizona’s Woman of the Year for years of outstanding leadership and commitment to the improvement in the areas of health care, education, human development, and community relationships! She developed protective rights for children’s issues along with existing agencies! Her creative problem solving assisted various business and financial organizations thus solving historical noncooperation among all nationalities, included all Native American and ethnic communities! In the justice system, she developed quality programs to guarantee lowered recidivism rates at all levels. Her commitment to quality control and teaching leadership skills to youth, adults and elderly has created a shared environment of striving for hope for the future! She and her husband Richard Wilmot Retired General are continuing this process for the past 27 years here in California! There efforts began with farm labor worker’s children to public policy along the southwest border and coastal environments. Their training program and honorariums include hundreds of “angels on earth.
JUNIOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM: ALA’s Junior Leadership Training Program meets every month. The Junior Leadership Training Program provides on-going, in-depth leadership training and empowers youth to become examples of leadership, give in service, and make positive changes in their lives. They develop sound problem solving skills for key areas in their life, health, money, relationships, and school.
Visit the website www.angelightacademy.org or for more information about youth training programs or how you can support the non-profit contact Erika Baily at 888-311-7388.