This July 11, 12 and 13, stand -up comics, Improv groups and sketch comedy groups from Los Angeles, Phoenix, Chicago and elsewhere will converge upon the Indio Performing Arts Center for its first ever Coachella Valley Improv/Comedy Festival. Performances and workshops are all open to the public for nominal fees.
According to IPAC Artistic Coordinator Jeanette Knight, the festival’s brainchild, response to the festival’s call for entries has far outweighed her expectations.
“When I first thought of doing this type of event at IPAC, I was just hoping for enough entries to create a couple of evenings of entertainment. But we actually had to turn away some very talented people due to time constraints.”
Of the submissions that were accepted to the festival, their collective credits are something to take note of. Performers at this year’s festival will have been seen on The Office, Parks and Recreation, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Conan, The New Girl, Funny or Die, as well as in numerous national television commercials.
The festivities begin on Friday, July 11 at 6pm with an opening reception to honor those who’ve made major contributions to the art form. Workshops are being offered on Saturday and Sunday from 10AM -2PM. Improv and sketch groups perform on Saturday from 3PM-10PM. Stand- up comics perform on Sunday from 3PM on. Audience members vote to determine the overall winner, who will be offered a contract to return to IPAC for a paid performance. Discounted early bird tickets are available now.
For a more detailed schedule or more information, go to www.coachellaimprovfest.weebly.com or email Jeanette@indioperformingartscenter.org.