Family time. Busy views through open windows. Sometimes more heard than seen. Many remembered from repeated hearings every summer from whenever. The musical clink of spoon on glass as Mom mixes lemonade through the over-the-sink kitchen window. A toddler who just learned to dress himself in swim trunks—inside-out and backwards—squealing and stomping though water from the hydrant. Grandma teaching Sally how to swing on a rope from the old oak tree. Eliot, the nerdy neighborhood kid, practicing piano scales as the family car is filled with the flotsam and jetsam of family entertainment and social media, for a day together at the beach, community park and pool, or the old swimming hole Dad remembers from long ago. And as Mom passes out sandwiches, reading the map, she ignores cries of “No fair “My turn” and “Ouch” that rise from the back seat like a foul odor, Dad is thinking that this is the greatest family on earth and he means it. The family pooch, head hanging out of the window, floppy ears slapping the glass, seems to be smiling in agreement. Don’t tell me that dogs can’t smile. Read on. More travels. More smiling family dogs. More sweet smells of summer. More good food, and family celebration. Enjoy!
Sun, May 31 at 12 PM Noon: Here’s how these music fans roll! Join The Key Players as they travel on their 2nd annual trip to the Colburn School of Music in Los Angeles: Meeting in Palm Desert, the amiable group takes the journey by luxury coach (with facilities and without traffic concerns) to hear the finest classical and modern instrumental and vocal music performances at the Colburn Music School in Los Angeles at 3 PM. An intriguing and well-planned program will be announced about one week before the concert. Afterwards The Key Players will stop for a no-host delicious and undoubtedly well-orchestrated dinner that will satisfy appetites on the way back home. $75 per person ; ($65 for Key Players.) To join them on this trip produced by the Virginia Waring Intl Piano Competition, or for more information, email ann@vwipc.org, or call 760-773-2575. The VWIPC’s physical address is 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, # 201, Palm Desert, CA 92260, call 760-773-2575, or you can make a donation online through the VWIPC website, a writing “Colburn Trip” in the comment section. Dress code? You know the drill: Desert Chic Casual Comfort!
Now and Saturday, July 18! My How Time Fleas! Oops, “Flies!” Your Pet Can Be a Star! Enter your Cat, Dog, Horse, two or four legged, or even two-winged Beauty, or any animal that you love in the PETS On Parade Photo Journal contest! And even better, your entrée is supporting every animal under the care of Pegasus and Loving All animals. The sum paid is fully tax deductible and enters you in the POP book with us forwarding your pet’s picture to CBS, Desert Sun and Palm Springs Life to also enter their contest. Category winners will also enjoy a full page spot in the Loving All Animals annual calendar. They will wait for your response as long as possible, but please print the attached form and either scan and return with your picture and or mail as directed ASAP. If you wish to, you can fax your entry and/or sign up www.pegasusridingacademy.org or www.lovingallanimals.org Please do it today! Call for an invitation and join us at the Pets on Parade Luncheon on Saturday, July 18, 2015, 11 am- 2:30 pm, Renaissance Esmeralda, Indian Wells benefitting Pegasus Therapeutic Riding Academy 760-772-305 7,and Loving All Animals 760-776-9397. Remember” Every Pet is a Star!”
Sweet Day! All Aboard! Saturday, June 18. And Saturday, June 20, 9:45 AM Boarding: Join Tallgrass Trading Company, Hiking, Van and Bus Tours, for one of two luxury bus tours to the 11th annual Lavender Festival at Highland Springs Resort on either Saturday, June 13 or June 20. The round trip narrated tour departs promptly at 10 a.m. from the Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce parking lot at 72-559 Highway 111. Enter parking lot from Painter’s Path at El Paseo (west end) and park in the west section by the chamber building. Don’t dilly-dally, the Bus promptly boards at 9:45 a.m. At the Lavender Festival will be live classical music, guided tours of the Highland Springs historic grounds on horse drawn hayrides, an organic marketplace, and lavender-inspired cuisine from lemonade and ice cream to lavender lattes and much more, all amid fields of fragrant lavender and under cool shade trees. Onsite activities, food and beverages are additional cost. Bus departs from Highland Springs Resort at 1:30 p.m. and returns to the Palm Desert Chamber parking lot at approximately 2:15 p.m. Cost for the trip is $55 per person and includes admission to the Lavender Festival and professionally narrated tour from the desert to Highland Springs in Beaumont, covering the fascinating history and geography of the area by longtime desert area tour guide Nancy Cohee. Advance paid reservations are required by calling (760) 219-3000 or (760) 568-4422. Checks or credit cards are accepted. Checks must be made payable to Tallgrass Trading Co., 45300 Portola Ave, Box #1514, Palm Desert, 92261.Please note: All tour bus guests must be able to walk unassisted. Please wear walking attire, bring hats and sunscreen. And think gifting for family, friends, hostesses for the coming Season
Saturday, June 20, 6 PM VIP Reception; 7 PM Dinner & Pioneer Awards. Here’s your Alert to a special event and a good cause in June: A memorable evening of entertainment, and empowering presentations are on the menu as The Family Health & Support Network celebrates “Juneteenth in the Coachella Valley,” acknowledging the resilience of our youth and young adults, who with your help, hold our future in their capable hands! The event promises good food, exciting entertainment, and an atmosphere that inspires community unity and support. All proceeds directly benefit the Family Health & Support Network foster care program. Sponsorships are available and individual and group tickets may be purchased at 760-340-2442, or visit www.juneteenthcv.com .Cost: $55 – General Admission; $75 – V.I.P. Reception & Seating. The event will be at La Quinta Resort & Spa, 49-499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta.
Family Health & Support Network, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that serves high-risk children who have been removed from their homes as victims of abuse and neglect and who have been placed in protective custody. Family Health & Support Network, Inc. is a caring and compassionate network of individuals who believe that every child deserves to be loved. Consequently all of our programs and services to children and families are administered with compassion and strength. We are looking for other caring and compassionate individuals and couples to join our network of certified foster parents.
“Don’t Be Clueless” wants to remind you that press releases for inclusion should be in to the Coachella Valley Weekly at least two weeks ahead of the scheduled event! Remember this come September! Thanks! Have a splendiferous summer of joy wherever and however you choose to spend your time, and whomever you choose to spend it with! Life is good!