By Jennifer Tan AKA Mrs Fett
When Blizzard announced they were making Diablo III, I literally screamed with excitement in the middle of a GameStop. Why? A few reasons. Diablo was the first RPG that I had ever played, along with my first PC title. I was addicted, and young enough that I thought the piles of bones that jingled when you checked them for loot was the scariest gaming task ever!
Now that I had the holidays to jump into Diablo III on Ps3, I am pretty much never going back to Call Of Duty again. The vicious cycle of killing demons, and looting the awesome treasure left behind…and then killing more demons, is hard to break!
The 17 year franchise did stick with their roots in 90% of the way the game was developed and executed. Some battles can get crazy, and somewhat difficult to navigate with just a 60FPS graphic rate, but Blizzard pulled it off for the most part. Environments are rich and detailed, though during battle I noticed some spots becoming grainy. The cinematics between the battle of Heaven and Hell, are compelling and intense, although for veteran demon hunters, not necessary. We know what we are here to do, now cut the scene and watch me annihilate everything.
The navigation screens got a new look to welcome them into the console world. Using a dial-type interface, using the analog stick to navigate your armor, loot, spells, and quests is effortless. It’s as if Diablo was meant for consoles all along…(insert troll grin here)
Now, if you are next gen stacked like myself, you probably realized most of your favorite titles will not work for the Ps4. That’s ok! Early 2014, marks the release of Diablo III, Ultimate Evil Edition! Which as of right now, is a Ps4 exclusive. You can transfer your Wizard, Demon Hunter and Barbarian from your Ps3 to your Ps4, ONCE. Meaning, once it’s off your Ps3, its gone! So make the commitment. It looks to be worth it though.
PlayStation 4 players can experience the full adventure of Blizzard’s epic action RPG, Diablo III, as the Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition includes the expansion pack Reaper of Souls! Bringing the world of Diablo back to PlayStation gamers, this edition of Diablo III features special four-player co-op features. With the DualShock 4 wireless controller and a custom-designed console interface, players will be outfitted with touchpad functionality and new social features as they engage in pulse-pounding combat with hordes of monsters and acquire items of incredible power.
I scored Diablo III for Ps3 at an 8.5 overall, only losing a few points in dialog, grainy texturing, and instability with aiming. The game is only $40 at Best Buy and GameStop, but will not be releasing on the XboxOne. The Ultimate Evil Edition for Ps4 is set for early 2014.