Get Prepared! FREE Emergency Preparedness Event at the Joslyn Center
Local seniors are invited to participate in a morning of important information and preparation at the Joslyn Center.
Join the Joslyn Center staff and volunteers as we host local emergency resources: Southern CA Edison, The Gas Company, Riverside County Sheriff, Riverside County Fire, Cal Fire, Coachella Valley Water District and the Office of Emergency Services to name a few! Free presentations on how to be prepared, question & answer session, light refreshments and a free gift to the first 100 participants to start your home safety kit off on the right foot!
Learn what you can do yourself prepared if disaster. This important event will take place on Tuesday, November 21st from 9 AM- 11:00 AM. All programs and services are free to seniors.
For more information contact Daniel Coover at 760-340-3220, Ext. #102. So join us for a day of knowledge, resources and fun!
FREE Technology Workshop for Seniors!
Are you a senior who is looking for support on how to use your cell phone, tablet or laptop? Join us for a FREE workshop provided by the City of Palm Desert Youth Committee. Young adults will be here to assist you with the latest technology challenges.
Who: Adults and seniors requiring technology assistance
What: Free hands on training and coaching
Where: The Joslyn Center main lobby-73750 Catalina Way, Palm Desert
When: 3:30 PM
Bring your working technology with you – cell phone, tablet or laptop and have this wonderful group share the how to’s and shortcuts of your own devices.
For more information or to RSVP, contact Deborah Glickman at 760-937-1664.