You start with your commitment and then develop a mindset around Keto fitting into your lifestyle. This greatly increases your chances of success. And, when you are successful your commitment increases. Don’t fall for the one-size fits all keto that works for everyone. We are all different and Keto requires customization. Mindset, or commitment, is a vital component that is directly tied to your success, results and ability to make keto sustainable for long-term success.
If I were coaching you, before we’d review any Keto food lists, eating plans, basic do’s and don’ts, common mistakes, etc. During our very first session I’d ask you to “Tell me your rules” and we’d spend as much time as needed on that one topic. What do I mean by that? We’d look at what foods you crave, what foods you can’t live without, your expectations, goals, sociability, and desires that you want Keto to provide for you.
Why? You can have the perfect Keto plan mapped out, all the right foods in your house, an app to track your food, macros dialed in, etc. but without the right mindset and a keto action plan that fits your lifestyle… it won’t do you any good.
Breaking Down Mindset
What is mindset? It’s taking a deeper dive into your commitment, your motivation, your relationship with food, your why and your why now. Once you really understand yourself, you can be free of the control food has held on you for a very long time. You’ll discover the niggling little thoughts that might be sabotaging you. You’ll understand your behaviors around food. Ultimately, though, you’ll be given a fresh start. Knowing your mindset and finding your inner strength around food, will keep you circling back to your commitment to Keto when times are tough. It won’t matter if there are carbs tempting you at every turn or you just want some of Grandma’s special cookies! You won’t cave.
Jumping in Too Fast
Don’t make the mistake so many people do and jump into Keto headfirst and go from 0 to 100 mph then crash and burn and wonder why. Take the time upfront to look at your mindset and the strong emotional component you have surrounding food. We all have it. There is a reason it’s called “comfort food” because we associate food with good times in our closest relationships of loved ones, family, parties and most social gatherings.
Surrender to Keto
You almost have to go into Keto saying this is the last diet I’m going to try and with the full intention of sticking with it. Don’t make it like every other diet you’ve tried and let it become another roller coaster ride. Don’t you think given enough time, energy and money to yo-yo dieting? You accept that you’ve tried every diet including the “diet of the week” and that they didn’t work. These other diets took their toll on us emotionally to the point we can’t take another diet failure.
So, part of your new mindset is acceptance and surrender to being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Framed with this new reference around food and mindset something inevitably clicks, and you’ll emphatically declare, “I just can’t live this way anymore”. It’s at that moment we go forward… your health and weight loss becomes your top priority and you are well on your way to fully embrace Keto.
About Michelle Borthwick: Michelle is a Keto Customization Expert and Coach. Keto weight loss results can be improved with Coaching, Customization, Accountability and a trusted partner to guide you every step of the way. Michelle offers private sessions, proven Keto diet hacks, meal plans, goal setting and more. Book a complimentary 30 minute private coaching session online at KetoIsEasyCoach.com. During your session you’ll review Michelle’s Ten Propriety Customization Codes quiz and see what adjustments are needed for Keto to work optimally for you.