Since its founding in 1970 NORML has provided a voice in the public debate for those Americans who oppose marijuana prohibition and favor an end to the practice of arresting marijuana consumers. It is a nonprofit public-interest advocacy group, representing the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who use marijuana responsibly.

NORML’s mission is to assure they have access to high quality marijuana that is safe, convenient and affordable. The US Drug Enforcement Administration is now accepting comments from the public  until July 22, 2024, on whether to reclassify cannabis. NORML is working with other advocates that want to change the archaic Federal Scheduling System related to marijuana.

This is a unique opportunity for YOU to provide first-hand insight to administrators affirming the safety and efficacy of cannabis, as well as the economic opportunities afforded by legal cannabis markets. The US Department of Health and Services based its recommendation largely upon real-world clinical evidence gathered from legal states. Your submission will help to reaffirm their conclusions that cannabis “has a currently accepted medical use” and that its abuse potential does not warrant its placement as either a Schedule I or Schedule II controlled substance.


Your stories hold power. But they won’t be the only stories regulators hear. Our political opponents are encouraging their members to weigh in with negative comments urging administrators to keep cannabis in Schedule I. We must push back against their scare tactics and sensational claims. Cannabis has legitimated medical utility it doesn’t possess the same potential for abuse as substances in either Schedule I or Schedule II. The alcohol and tobacco industries oppose this measure as marijuana users reduce their use of alcohol and cigarettes.

This is your opportunity to influence the most significant change in federal marijuana law in over five decades. Give a personal story about how cannabis/marijuana has helped you deal with your pain, anxiety, or insomnia. The following is my comment.

“I have suffered from chronic back pain as an occupational hazard of working as a nurse in a hospital or home for over fifty years. A ruptured disc in my lumbar region required surgery. However, with age the arthritis in my spine has continued to deteriorate requiring my prescribed Vicodin to be increased to extended-release morphine. When I was introduced to cannabis, I was able to eliminate my opiates and reduce my anti-depressive medications. In my experience as a nurse, I have seen patients after surgery not given adequate pain relief because physicians are afraid of prescribing opiates postoperatively. This byzantine practice has left many of my patients writhing in pain. Without the access of high-dose cannabis these patients would not be able to return to work or their normal activities of daily living. I have undergone foot surgery twice. With cannabis I was able to return to work and have healed successfully. I now keep cannabis in my medicine cabinet instead of aspirin, Advil, or Tylenol, as all anti-inflammatory medications cause gastric distress and/or bleeding ulcers. As a senior in my late 70’s I gasp with horror about the prohibition of cannabis in government-subsidized housing. This is a massive sample of aging adults who are suffering from chronic diseases who are going untreated due to the Federal Government’s policies related to a plant that has been used for over 5000 years safely until Nixon, against his Commission’s advice, started the Scheduling system for drugs. The Federal Government is talking out of both sides of their mouth. On the one had the NIH has patents on the safety of cannabis, and in it’s schizophrenic policies has THC and CBD in Schedule I (cannabis/marijuana), Schedule III (Marinol), and Schedule V (Epidiolex).

In conclusion, please undo this travesty started in 1970 by removing cannabis from Schedule I, thereby placing it in Schedule III or lower. Thank you for your attention.”

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