by Sunny Simon
During my many years in human resources I was responsible for recruiting a boatload of talented employees. Without the benefit of scanning software the task of sorting through the tons of resumes that reached my desk was an extremely time consuming process. Over the years I trained my eyes to quickly scan the documents searching out keywords much as filtering software would. Although many applicants could benefit from a lesson in resume writing, the cover letters bored me to tears. It was a rare find when a cover told me something I could not glean from the accompanying resume. The downside was time wasted for me and the person who authored it.
You might be wondering if you should even bother with a cover letter. The answer is you bet! In fact, I believe a brief well written note accompanying your online resume submission may be more important than ever. Note the keywords here are brief and well written. Although most communication is done online or in email form, the term cover letter equates to opportunity. It is your chance to tell the employer something they won’t find on your resume.
The first step in writing a killer cover letter is to forget about touting your skills and experience. That is the resume’s job. Instead, tell your potential employer how you are going to fix a problem. Are they in dire need of a customer service oriented concierge? Make a sincere claim that you will go the extra distance to pull a rabbit out of a hat in record time. Tell them about your service with a smile philosophy and of your passion for ensuring guests have a great experience while staying at the hotel or resort.
Choose your words sparingly and carefully. You are not writing a novella, just two or three concise paragraphs laced with supportive compelling reasons detailing why you want the job and how you can add value.
A warning regarding cover letters: one size does not fit all. Do not get lazy and use some cookie cutter template you found online. If you want the job, take the time to craft a unique cover letter for each position that peaks your interest. Competition in today’s market is stiff. Brainstorm your way into that dream job by proving in writing you are the ideal candidate. It will come as a great relief to the HR director to know she can call off the search. Sunny Simon is the owner of Raise the Bar High Life and Career Coaching. More about Sunny at www.raisethebarhigh.com