By Aimee Mosco

There are things that exist in this world that you cannot see with your eyes, even if your vision is 20/20. Your eyes see only what exists around you if what you are looking at has taken form, yet it is impossible to dispute that the invisible energies of emotions and thoughts exist. Emotion and thought energies cycling through you have a remarkable impact on your existence. Science has even proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Science has been decidedly less successful at proving the existence of supernatural energies such as spirits or entities, but these energies can have just as great an impact on your life as familiar invisible energies such as emotions and thoughts. You do not have to be acutely aware of supernatural energies for them to affect you. In fact, sometimes when you are not cognizant of these forces, their impact is even greater. This is so because you cannot remove yourself from their influence when you are unaware of their presence.

Given that we are in the process of transitioning from the old paradigm to the new, things and energies, of which we were previously unaware, are presenting themselves in new ways. This serves a higher purpose of delivering opportunities with which to gain new insights, skills, and awareness on both the personal and collective front. So, if you are sensing energies that feel unfamiliar to you, your sensory faculties may be leveling up.


The most important thing to remember when you begin to sense energies that you had no awareness of before, your emotions, with which you are well acquainted, will guide you. If you feel a sense of contentment, peace, or joy in association with this new awareness, let yourself explore. Sit with the energies and invite them to speak to you in ways you can understand.

Conversely, if the supernatural energies you are newly sensing evoke dread, discomfort, or anxiety, express your intent to shield yourself from their influence. Revoke all permissions you have inadvertently or otherwise granted to these influences to affect you. Use your creativity to remove yourself from reach by elevating yourself to a new energetic space. Try a technique such as this:

  • Open your heart as wide as it will go by focusing your attention on love.
  • Use inner vision to see golden threads of energy streaming out of your open heart.
  • See these streams of energy weaving together, forming a golden platform 12” above your feet.
  • Step up onto it.
  • Be clear in your mind that you intend to rise above unfavorable energetic influences.

Build upon your golden platform to lift yourself out of the darkness of the old era and into the light of the new.

In my pursuit to assist you in weaving your golden platform, I invite you to join my Telegram group DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions. Go to and enjoy the light of this supportive community.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves on advisory committees to global charity organization, World Game Changers, and local charity, Coachella Valley Horse Rescue. Visit Aimee at