Lawyers mistakenly educate accident victims after the accident, and after the mistakes. They say “People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan”. Learn these 8 “Pitfalls” to avoid.
Personal Injury lawsuits can be complicated and time consuming for all parties involved, regardless of which side of the “V” (A VS B) you’re on.
- INSURANCE: Purchase at least $100k Uninsured (UM)/Underinsured Motorist Insurance (UIM): They, like an umbrella policy, aren’t expensive AND protect YOU from a driver without insurance or enough insurance.
You may ask “Aren’t all drivers required to have insurance?” Thus, why spend the money on UM when you go after the other driver’s insurance? The obvious answer is that many drivers in the CV are without auto insurance…and have NO money to pay for your damages…or lack enough coverage.
- REMAIN SILENT: “Silence is Golden, Handcuffs are Silver”. Don’t talk to the Police/Insurance Company, without your lawyers ok. It’s not what you say but what they thought you said. Statements may be admitted into evidence, so let your lawyer talk for you. Don’t let the insurance company roll over you too. Don’t call some 1-800 No Name, Non Local lawyer. Instead hire a Top Tier PI Lawyer who has also been an accident victim, walked in your shoes and understands what you go through. The best advice, Shut Up!
- SEE A DOCTOR: to be sure you are ok:
The insurance company will examine the timeliness of your treatment. Unreasonable delays in treatment are a red flag. Inexplicable gaps in treatment, and missed doc appts, are also viewed with suspicion. Call 911 and if injured, take an ambulance to the ER.
- AVOID PRO PER:At Dale Gribow Attorney at law, our unique proposition is, if you don’t need a lawyer, we will tell you. You may try to handle the matter on your own, without a lawyer. Many people assume they can handle an injury claim without the assistance of a lawyer. While this may be true in some situations, it is usually wiser to hire a PI lawyer asap.
Be sure to do your research before hiring a PI lawyer…check reviews, and I always suggest not hiring a lawyer who has not been in an accident.
- BE HONEST: Follow your lawyer’s advice:
It is also important to be candid with your lawyer. The worst thing is for something negative to come out during trial…in front of the jury. Some clients are hesitant to disclose all details about their medical history to their lawyer b/c they feel this will hurt their case. Don’t make this mistake.
- GATHER EVIDENCE: Use cell phone to take pix of scene, wits and party’s; CDL, Insurance. As time passes evidence can disappear, and memories can and will fade. Therefore, be sure to preserve as much evidence as early as possible. Take photos with your cell phone of the scene and injuries. Continue to take photos as your treatment progresses over time. Take photo of all damage to all cars. Use your cell phone to take statements of any wits.
- DON’T TRUST THE INSURANCE CO: They are“Not on your side” and you’re “Not in Good Hands”, because“Your Friendly Neighbor” will not give you a “Piece of the Rock”
- LYING: Always be honest with your lawyer.
If you attend Coachella Festivals, party to much, and need a lawyer…call me.
Cut out this card
Upon attorney Dale Gribow’s advice, I exercise my Right To Remain Silent, until you contact him: 760.837.7500 or dale@dalegribowlaw.com, because
It’s’s not what you say, but what they thought you said!
Dale advises, “the VOLUNTARY FIELD SOBRIETY (FST) AND “PORTABLE” BREATH TEST at the scene, are OPTIONAL (unless one is on probation).
Thus, I ELECT not to take them. I want to cooperate and I’m happy to take a BLOOD TEST.”
Dale Gribow is a “Boutique Concierge” PI/DUI firm with 25+ TOP LAWYER awards, 9 Man of the Year, 4 Dale Gribow Days, and awarded “Mr. Charity”. The limited caseload allows calls to be answered and returned the “Old Fashioned” way…by Dale. “Whether I accept your case, if you take the time to call, I will take the time to direct you.”