Produced By Tiar’a Literary & Illustration

Children and professional wrestling have been synonymous for decades in at least some of the organizations at any given time across the world.

During the height of its pop-culture dominance, the WWE [World Wrestling Entertainment] then WWF [World Wrestling Federation] took great pride in creating family-friendly entertainment. This in-turn led to the company, making several gigantic strides in offering hope, inspiration, and financial support to various organizations such as, The Make a Wish Foundation.

During this “wonderful era” of professional wrestling that gave hope, good advice, and quality entertainment, one wrestler became particularly inspired to bring his want to give back and help children to a place far higher than the third turnbuckle …


Paul Roma began his career in the WWF in 1986. At the time, the young “stallion” certainly didn’t portray the role of a novice. Within a few years, Paul had plowed his trade among the then WWF giants, including the likes of, Andre “The Giant” and Hulk Hogan, and was well on his way to carving an endearing legacy of integrity and excellence.

In 1990, Paul Roma befriended fellow WWF wrestler, Hercules. Hercules, like Paul, was inspired to give back, and to encourage children. Hercules himself, is a father of six.

Paul and Hercules realized the potential they had as athletes and as regular TV stars – the larger-than-life comic book characters come-to-life, and so they began thinking of ways in which they, aside from the WWF, could give back.

“Let’s you and I become a tag team. But the deal is, we go talk to kids in hospitals, never turn down an autograph, and always try to help and encourage whenever we get the chance.” Paul Roma told Hercules.

Hercules agreed to Paul’s terms. The next step, was convincing the then chairman of the WWF Vince McMahon, to agree upon the formation of Paul and Hercules’ tag team, because back then, Vince McMahon ran the company, and called all the shots.

“But what is our tag team going to be called?” Hercules asked Paul Roma.

Paul came up with the name Power & Glory, which means, “strength in God” – a reference to Paul’s faith in the God of the Holy Bible. Shockingly, dependent upon if you are a believer, Vince McMahon allowed Paul Roma and Hercules to form their tag team, and to adopt the name Power & Glory.

For anyone who knows a little about professional wrestling, obtaining cart-blanche from Vince McMahon to be as creative as you wish with your own character and storyline is a miracle from God.

Today, Power & Glory and its association with Paul Roma remain in existence. More recently, Paul Roma, and Victoire [which means Victory in French] YouTube talk show creator, and host Emir, resurrected the name via the way of their brand-new pro wrestling/variety show podcast titled Power & Glory The Podcast. The series is available on YouTube, and on the free So Cal Wrestling TV app on Roku. Simply search @victoirepodcast on YouTube, Subscribe, and you will gain access to a treasure trove of family-friendly, inspiring, and motivating content featuring the top stars of professional wrestling spanning decades.

The Victoire channel on YouTube is also the home of, Victoire for Kids – a monthly special in which a panel of a variation of wrestlers join hosts Emir and Paul Roma, and answer questions centered around, “becoming a pro wrestler”, “how to thrive in the business”, “morals, values and ethics”, and “how to conduct yourself outside of the business”.

Victoire for Kids is designed specifically to educate and inspire younger audiences about professional wrestling while raising funds for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. A link can be found in the description of each Victoire for Kids episode that leads viewers directly to the [official]
St. Jude Children’s Hospital fundraiser designed specifically for the Victoire Podcast. Note: Any donations collected go directly to St. Jude Children’s Hospital and are not collected by the Victoire Podcast channel.

If you would like to get involved in something extraordinary in which a hospital that gives 100% of its donations to improving the lives of children in-need, be entertained, and hear from some of the biggest and most inspiring names in professional wrestling, then become a part of the Victoire family today. Make sure to Subscribe @victoirepodcast on YouTube.

From all of us in the professional wrestling community, we thank you greatly for your support.