By Aimee Mosco

Everyone is born with the natural ability to sense paranormal activity beyond what the eyes can see, the ears can hear, and the body can feel. Not everyone chooses to consciously claim and develop these sensory gifts but those who do often have regular and welcomed encounters with the paranormal. Those who do not, also have encounters but their experiences are very different. They are often left confused, scared, or in a state of disbelief after the experience. An unexpected and unpleasant paranormal encounter is akin to falling out of a boat without a life preserver.

Paranormal activity is, and always has been, ever-present. There is a whole world which exists around us that is mostly invisible. It only becomes visible when a person experiences some kind of awakening that further activates their innate psychic skills. Awakening is delivered in many different forms, some favorable and some not, but when awakening happens as a result of a startling paranormal event, a cycle that churns with fear is initiated.

Much of humanity fears the paranormal. Thanks to social conditioning, and unmanaged personal experiences in some cases, paranormal events have a stigma attached to them. Our collective judgments regarding the paranormal are posing a problem for us at this time. We are becoming more intuitively sensitive as a product of our spiritual evolution. The uptick in sensitivity is making us more aware of what goes on behind the veil, but when this elevated awareness inspires fear, the fear slows our forward progress. It is a bit of a catch twenty-two situation.


So, if you are caught in this fear-fed cycle, how do you get out of it?

It is important to keep in mind that the insights and experience that come from paranormal events are unique. It is appropriate to be grateful for them because they can be quite beneficial when they are infused with light. The key to connecting with the light side of the paranormal world, and the gifts it brings, is held within the conscious management of your thoughts and emotions. You hold the absolute power to traverse your paranormal encounters with grace and joy.

When you choose to embrace your power and natural abilities as a divine being of light, be willing to accept responsibility for the energy you generate with your thoughts and emotions. These energies are the building blocks with which your experiences are formed. Given that the incidence of paranormal contact is only going to steadily increase as the collective consciousness grows, be very clear about what kind of paranormal contact you wish to have. Then be vigilant about managing your fear by only generating the kind of energy output that will invite a light-filled type of encounter to you.

Aimee invites you to join her Telegram community DIVINE PURPOSE Discussions to explore the topic of paranormal happenings. Go to to be part of these discussions.

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves on advisory committees to global charity organization, World Game-Changers, and local charity, Coachella Valley Horse Rescue. Visit Aimee at